--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> > On Behalf Of wgm4u
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > > I know the names of at least six, and it's clear from the 
> > > "Sexy Sadie" file and other info that there were many more. 
> > > I don't know where you're getting "2 or 3".
> >
> > Where's the beef?? No innuendo accepted....
> You want notarized photos?

I have a quote from one of Maharishi's
lesser-known videotapes. In it he says:

"Let's face it, I fucked `em all. I mean, that's what 
I do. That's why I went to school. I mean, they're 
always there – and I don't know what I'm apologizing 
for, so sometimes I fuck `em. I go into the room and 
they're so great looking, you know...and they feel 
great and they smell great...you know, and I could 
be just on the street or stop at a stop light or go 
into an elevator or there's a beautiful girl. I don't 
know...I mean, that's it – it makes my day – makes 
me feel like I'm gonna live forever. As far as I'm 
concerned, with what I'd like to have done at this 
point in my life...I know I should've accomplished 
more but I got no regrets – Jesus – aahhh... maybe 
that means I don't love them. Maybe that means I 
don't love you. I don't know. Nobody's gonna tell 
me I don't like `em very much." 



I just looked at the label on the videotape,
and it wasn't Maharishi after all. That was 
Warren Beatty, in the film "Shampoo." 

Never mind.

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