> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, danfriedman2002 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfreak@...> wrote:
> >
> > fuck your moth the way you like. shits herem fucken shit you
> Sounds like Dan might be experiencing some "roughness of awareness".

Hi Joe,

I think Dan was just replying to my gentle challenge
to posters here yesterday, and trying to convey to us
what a spiritual experience in the here and now IS
for a long-term TMer.

> I guess what I'm saying is that I, for one, wouldn't mind 
> seeing a bit more of that kind of selflessness on so-called 
> spiritual forums. If you're offended by what I say, and your 
> first impulse is to lash out at me, that's self talking. 
> Bad Habits.
> If you feel that way, prove me wrong and write a post or 
> two today about TODAY, and what you have experienced TODAY 
> that you found uplifting or spiritual. If you can't, don't 
> you think you deserve a refund for all the time, money, 
> and energy you've put into the spiritual path you've
> been following?

You've got to give him credit. No one else even tried. :-)

Other classic Dan Friedman quotes in the past:

* "For many Governors and long-term meditators, experiences 
are real. I'm past the point of asking: 'What if?'"

* "M regulary reminded us that we are The Movement and if 
we see better ways, to change things."

* "I grok your feelings, but, as different people are 
differrent, my feelings for Maharishi are neither complex, 
nor conflicted."

* "Perhaps FFL could be moderated a bit more closely."

I want to go on record as disagreeing with Dan's last 
comment above. The more long-term TMers who post here
and demonstrate what TM has done for them, the better.

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