> >
> But the Great Sage couldn't possibly?
> One thing I noted after listening to the SCI tapes was that according to 
> MMY's theory, it was *impossible* for someone to be fully enlightened because 
> the consciousness of the world wouldn't support it.
> When I pointed this out to a TM teacher, he insisted that MMY's theory didn't 
> apply to MMY or Gurudev.
> L.
This is typical brainwashing....
Not much different than what Goebbels did...
That's the whole point, I was attempting to make here...

For the people who were on the German side during the WwII...
And including the Spanish, Italian and Japanese Dictator Tyrantical Facists...
These people feel very familiar with that type of propaganda, and that type of 
'Perfect Leader'...which is the title 'Der Fuerer...the perfect leader...of a 
superior race....

When the American Democratic Model dissappointed Maharishi, he fell back on 
hand picking leadership from that soul grouping in German Elite Forces during 
the Nazi Era...

Jerry Jarvis certainly did not fit into this mold...at all...
My theory on Jerry is that he was a very high soul in his last life and this 
one, and served as a major General during WWII on the American side of the 

According to Maharishi's SCI theory, it is more based on 'Perfect Self-Referral 
Consciousness' as the only requirement for 'Perfect Right Action'...
It has nothing to do with what is observed 'Outside' by an outside observer, 
because the outside observer....observes only from his/her level of 

So, if one is very bond by 'Sex' then one would see  'Great Imperfection' with 
an 'Enlightened Sage' who calls himself, Maharishi, and who studied with a 
life-long celebate, Swami Brahmandanda Saraswati...

But, that was an internal reference point which Maharhishi was going by...his 
own self-referral consciousness...

Which allowd him to come up with the raja paraphenalia...etc...

It allowed him to rebel against the Americans by sending the Right Wingers in 
the run things in America...starting in 1977....

Jai Guru Dev 

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