--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Trying to make sense of the meltdown yesterday, in 
> > which "doubling down on insanity" seemed to be the
> > operating principle du jour, I shall try to compact 
> > the blessedly short impressions of it all that I got 
> > from watching it unfold in Message View, to make
> > them even shorter:
> > 
> > Voice 1: "It now appears that Vaj was telling the
> > truth about having known me and attending my 
> > seminars in the past, but on another level he 
> > still has to be lying because he remembers me
> > as a deranged psychopathic charlatan, not the
> > totally awesome person *I* remember me as."
> > 
> > Voice 2: "Hi, I'm back, and still as needy and 
> > as starved for attention as before. Feed me." 
> > 
> > Multiple Voices: "Nothing has changed what we
> > know and believe. We are still attached to the
> > same crazy people we were before, and will defend
> > them no matter how crazy they get. And we still 
> > hate the same people we hated before, and will
> > continue to scream at them every chance we get,
> > because that makes *us* look more sane, doncha
> > know. The only thing we're upset about is that 
> > the people we hate won't respond to us and let 
> > us scream at them even more. Bastids."
> >
> Church, yo! 
> Testify.
> The usual suspects were seriously flipping-out
> even *before* LK came in and blew the doors off
> the asylum with stories about Bull Goose Loony
> being a violent jew hating anti-semite who pushed 
> people to suicide without a second thought. Didn't
> livery girl tell us over and over that we just didn't
> understand him? That he was a loving person who
> never engaged in more that a love tap and that was
> only on one occasion? Go figure.
> Rick then displays his outstanding sense of humor by
> pardoning the serial over-poster and readmitting
> another whack-job who seemingly promised self-
> castration.   
> I *love* this place.

Dear Azgrey,,

I just wanted to say that as well as the terror and suffering there were great 
moments of beauty, laughter, and love. That no one came into a seminar except 
to have a fabulous experience, and about 85% of what happened in those Ten 
Years was quite incredible and wonderful. The terrible side of the Ten Years 
has come to define what the reality was, but until near the end no one 
perceived the seminars as anything less spectacular entertainment and the very 
deepest form of metaphysical theatre. 

Everyone stayed for the first eight years. It was an adventure like no other.

I have learned in the last twenty-five years why it went so wrong, why it was 
in fact wrong from the very beginning.


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