I don't pay much attention to the every 4 year hoo-haw that goes on in 
this country other than rip the candidates such as holey underwear 
Rom-knees. Friends like to say that Obama got elected because by 2008 
most of the country hated bush so wanted to flush Republicans down the 
toilet. And many that voted for Obama because they believed he would 
trash all the fascist stuff that president Cheney put in effect (Dubya 
was just his hand puppet). Didn't happen.

Of course we have people who couldn't run a lemonade stand believing 
that a corporate CEO like Rom-knees can do a better job running the 
country. That's going from the frying pan into the fire as far as 
neo-liberalism goes and one step farther into the corporate communist 
world of "Blade Runner". That's right, the sheeple who support Rom-knees 
and the Republican party are supporting a form of communism coming into 
existence. Of course most of them are too dumb to ever even provide a 
definition of communism.

As for Yahoo I like to use them as a sort of "moderate" link for news 
stories but I've noticed their leaning to some kind of corporatist 
"decorum" but that is not unusual for many of the news outlets. I got a 
item in the email this morning from LinkedIn that Yahoo's new CEO 
replacing the CMO while they were on vacation. I know that sends 
shockwaves throughout a corporation. It did when my job role was changed 
while I was away to a Microsoft developers seminar on DirectX. I was 
essentially "demoted" while away by my new boss and I essentially came 
back as said "fuck you" and gave notice.

On 08/31/2012 09:05 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> Although I carefully pasted it in at the top, Yahoo's editor chose to
> delete the headline, byline, intro, and source of this article. For the
> nitpickers, it's written by Michael Moore, and can be found at The Daily
> Beast. The photo of TM's poster boy was found by me.
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/31/michael-moore-on-clint-\
> eastwood-s-delusional-and-detached-from-reality-speech-at-the-republican\
> -national-convention.html
> <http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/31/michael-moore-on-clint\
> -eastwood-s-delusional-and-detached-from-reality-speech-at-the-republica\
> n-national-convention.html>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> Speaking  to Invisible Obama last night, in a performance that seemed
> to
>> have  been written by Timothy Leary and performed by Cheech & Chong,
>> Clint Eastwood
> <http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/31/clint-eastwood-s-turn-\
> \
>> at-gop-convention-part-of-republicans-swooning-over-stars.html>    was
>> able to drive home to tens of millions of viewers the central  message
>> of this year's Republican National Convention: "We Are  Delusional and
>> Detached from Reality. Vote for Us!"
>> The footage of Eastwood
> <http://www.thedailybeast.com/videos/2012/08/30/clint-eastwood-we-gotta-\
> \
>> let-him-go.html>   rambling and mumbling to his "Harvey" - President
>> Obama - will be  played to audiences a hundred years from now as the
>> Most Bizarre  Convention Moment Ever. The people of the future will
> know
>> nothing about  Dirty Harry or Josey Wales or a Million Dollar Baby.
>> They WILL know about the night a crazy old man hijacked a national
>> party's most important gathering so he could tell the President to
>> literally go do something to himself (i.e. fuck  himself). In those
> few
>> moments (and these days, it only takes a few moments—see Anthony
>> Weiner), he completely upended and redefined how he'll be remembered
> by
>> younger and future generations.
>> A  few years ago, at the annual National Board of Review film awards
>> held  at Tavern on the Green in New York, I was there to hand out one
> of
>> the  honors. When it came time for Eastwood to accept his, he went up
> to
>> the  microphone and growled to me in front of the audience, "If you
> ever
>> show  up at my house with that camera, I'll shoot you on sight." The
>> audience  laughed, I laughed, but the person who issued the threat
>> wasn't  laughing. That creeped me out a bit.  I made sure never to go
>> stand on  Clint Eastwood's lawn.
>> But  as I said, the best outcome from the incident last night was that
>> it  showed just how out of touch Republicans are these days. It's as
> if
>> they  want a divorce from us, the American mainstream, so they can go
>> live in  the land of legitimate rapes and ice caps that don't melt.
> Most
>> Americans don't live there on Planet Koo-koo, and I don't suspect many
>> will be visiting there any time soon.
>> Thanks, Clint: you made our day!
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
>>> [AP, Fairfield, Iowa] In a move seen by many as a tribute to one of
>> the
>>> biggest TM heroes, Clint Eastwood, the organization that teaches
>>> Transcendental Meditation today announced a new "Advanced
> Technique."
>>> This technique is seen as an extension to the TM-Sidhi program,
> which
>>> was supposed to invoke "ritam" by delivering to people hopping
> around
>> on
>>> their butts all that they desire in life.
>>> Since, well over 35 years after the TM-Sidhi technique was
> introduced,
>>> it's been made abundantly clear that its practitioners have *not*
>> gotten
>>> all that they desire in life, the TM organization is addressing that
>>> issue directly, in the form of a new form of "fertilizer" to invoke
>> the
>>> mysterious power of "ritam" even further.
>>> The new Golden Throne Of Ritam technique aims at removing the
>>> *obstacles* to TM-Sidhi practitioners getting everything they
> desire.
>>> "Clearly," said Bevan Morris, Spokesbutt Emeritus for the
>> butt-bouncers,
>>> "something has been *preventing* the full flow of ritam. A negative
>>> force has been getting in the way of the powerful Waves Of Woo
>> generated
>>> by bouncing on our butts, and keeping our desires from being
> instantly
>>> fulfilled by ritam."
>>> Morris continued, "We now know who and what this negative force is.
>> It's
>>> a bunch of misguided souls -- many of them paid by the CIA or the
>> Dalai
>>> Lama or both -- who consistently thwart the awesome power of ritam
> by
>>> saying things about us that are...uh...true, but that we don't want
>>> said. The time has now come to act, and avoid the problem before it
>>> comes."
>>> Although actual details of the new Golden Throne Of Ritam technique
>> are
>>> a deep, dark secret, and no one is supposed to talk about them, AP
> has
>>> received information from a whistleblower who learned the new
>> technique
>>> last night and posted his impressions of it on WikiLeaks.
>>> He says, "It's basically a visualization technique. What you do is
> to
>>> imagine the person who you feel is an obstacle to you getting
>> everything
>>> you desire, and visualize them seated upon a golden throne. Then,
>> after
>>> forming a clear picture of the horrible enemy of all that is holy in
>>> your mind and yelling at them for a while, you mentally press the
>> button
>>> located on the top of the golden throne, chant the holy mantra "Make
>> my
>>> day!" and flush the person and his or her negativity away. I'm not
>> sure
>>> whether all of your desires are supposed to start becoming fulfilled
>>> after you mentally flush the TM critics away or when you sign the
>> check
>>> for the $10,000 the course costs -- all I can say is that like all
> TM
>>> courses that preceded it this new one didn't work as promised. Maybe
>> you
>>> have to be senile like Clint Eastwood for it to work. Anyway, I'm
>> doing
>>> what I should have done long ago and blowing the whistle and passing
>>> along not only this information but the visual aid given to me in my
>>> Golden Throne Of Ritam class that was supposed to help me envision
> the
>>> throne more accurately."
>>>   [http://therealestatecoconut.com/files/2011/05/gold-toilet.jpg]


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