On 08/31/2012 11:11 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> I don't pay much attention to the every 4 year
>> hoo-haw that goes on in this country other than
>> rip the candidates such as holey underwear
>> Rom-knees...
> That's funny coming from a Hindu who believes in
> the spiritual healing properties of Shiva'S

So is this some of your bogus psychic ability or just a mistaken 
projection?  Where did I ever say anything about the healing properties 
of a Shiva lingam?

> You mean, 'holy underwear' as opposed to a silk
> bedsheet, a dhoti, naked on a tiger skin, or a
> fakir-codpiece?  LoL!

No, "holey" underwear not "holy".  Mormon undies have holes in them.

> So, a candidates relgious views influence your
> voting decision. You're not making any sense.

Nope, his political views are whacked, corporate elitist and against the 
public.  I do think that Salt Lake would want to have a lot of influence 
in his ruling.  And it would send us into a "Handmaid's Tale" society.  
Tell me, Willy, do you really want to live in such a country?  Even your 
buddy Alex Jones doesn't.

> Your tantra religion probably has more left-handed
> secret finger snapping spells than Carter had
> little liver pills!

You mean something like the "secret mantras" of TM and the "secret 
Sidhis" of TM?

> Go figure.

Check your math.

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