Dear Curtis,

A wonderful post. Thank you.


--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 
> So uh...let's see are making the connection between...uh mmmm 
> uh well I guess you could the white whale be...that doesn't 
> seem like it could...well maybe if you were looking at it from the 
> perspective that seems unlikely...a whale is not a fish so...
> OK, you got me.
> Funny you should bring up whaling because outside the context of what I wrote 
> it makes so much sense you might be able to claim it was all a psychic vision 
> about me.
> You see I vacationed on Nantucket Island off the coast of Cape Cod for many 
> years and was well infused growing up with the history of what was arguably 
> the most important industry in American History, our own Saudi Arabian liquid 
> gold, whale oil.  It literally lit up our nation.  This week in cleaning out 
> our ancestral house with my siblings I took home whaling harpoons that my 
> father had carefully tied ropes onto, duplicating the complicated knots he 
> studied at the Nantucket whaling museum.  I spent hours there as a ten year 
> old staring at real shrunken heads and thumb screws and other devices 
> designed to bring discipline to the motley eclectic crew on a whaling ship 
> that could spend up to three years to find and process whales, before 
> returning home to their opium addicted wives on Nantucket.  These ships were 
> a model of multiracial and multicultural society way before their time.  
> There is a great movie on streaming Netflix telling the story of this history 
> that I recommend:  American Experience, Into the Deep
> As a boy on Nantucket I spent a lot of time picking out sperm whale's teeth 
> to buy.  This was before the ban and they were cheap enough for my thin 
> wallet.  My dad took up the arcane art of scrimshaw and I have a few 
> beautifully etched teeth telling the story of the ill fated Essex where a 
> particularly ambitious whale turned the tables and with whatever is the blow 
> hole equivalent of "no, no fuck YOU" crashed the boat to splinters.
> Nantucket was the whaling hub, the center of the universe long before it 
> became a place where the hoity and the toity could stock up on highball 
> glasses etched with sailing ships.  What that promo showed very well was how 
> audacious it was to spear one of these massive creatures and go on a 
> "Nantucket sleigh ride" until it tired enough for them to get close in their 
> tiny boat.  What they got wrong was how many spears they threw into it as if 
> that was supposed to kill the whale.  What really happened was that after the 
> whale got tired pulling the boat along and they got close, they used a long 
> lance that was plunged over five feet into the whale to hit its heart.  I 
> have one of those now too.  I am hoping to use it on a home intruder some day 
> as a distraction while I dispatch him with my Walther. 
> I also have a Masey Toggle Iron which was the height of whale technology.  It 
> was a spear that once inside the whale toggled outward to set the lance with 
> a wider pivoting head to make sure it wouldn't pull out during the ride.  All 
> modern sensitives to these magnificent creatures aside, it was a ballsy thing 
> to do taking them on in their element.  
> So I may have missed your intent but thanks for the nostalgic writing prompt 
> Robin. 
> --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside 
> > > performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker 
> > > is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  
> > > "Pay" is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog 
> > > long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and 
> > > purses.
> > > 
> > > Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily 
> > > distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), 
> > > and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and 
> > > making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal 
> > > co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the 
> > > show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of 
> > > their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to 
> > > show you.
> > > 
> > > She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
> > > magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
> > > Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk, 
> > > and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of 
> > > orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her 
> > > brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink 
> > > scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she crowded 
> > > me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this, and as the 
> > > Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back off and give 
> > > me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my heavy steel 
> > > resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes, leaving them cold 
> > > cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into profits.  But a girl 
> > > this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my attention that she was 
> > > standing very close to me with one side of her body.
> > > 
> > > I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me on 
> > > red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below the 
> > > elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm was 
> > > not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done this, 
> > > and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and I gave 
> > > her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she relaxed into a 
> > > nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded to her through 
> > > omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my chest. 
> > > 
> > > We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People probably 
> > > thought she was my niece or something, who else would play together with 
> > > this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a brave kid, this 
> > > is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd formed supporting 
> > > the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no clue to the 
> > > fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself sideways, showing 
> > > the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At the song's end she 
> > > shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something gritty in those eyes.  
> > > A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric ward hell.  I wondered 
> > > about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in the hospital making the 
> > > painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh bullshit, I have no idea.  She 
> > > ran off back to her dad.  His look combined sincere thanks with "you have 
> > > no idea". Or maybe I just read all that in myself, it is so hard to tell 
> > > sometimes. When our eyes met I forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw 
> > > people moving in with tips in slow motion.
> > > 
> > > Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always take 
> > > her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will press 
> > > her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she will feel 
> > > safe and brave, facing the world.
> > >
> >

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