Hi Lawson, thank you for this.  Good reference to have.   

Also want to reply to some other recent posts of yours by saying that Maharishi 
advised people to follow the laws of their government and their religion.  

As for yogic flying styles, I used to hop cross legged until xrays revealed 
disc degeneration about 4 years ago.  So I switched to bouncing in a seated 
position.  And guess what?  In my last osteo exam about a month ago, the spine 
was reported to be in good shape.  Yay!  

One other observation about yogic flying, if a person expects it to be a 
certain way, inwardly or outwardly, from my experience it defeats the purpose 
of the practice, which is to develop mind body coordination.  And it's less fun.

Actually this explanation, to develop mind body coordination is the one that 
makes the most sense to me based on my own experience of the last 34 years.

 From: sparaig <lengli...@cox.net>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 5:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Does anyone know.....


Both cardmeister and I have quoted extensively from these in earlier threads in 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> ...what ancient texts actually mention levitation as 
> occuring in three stages - hopping, floating, flying?
> I ask because an hours Googling has failed to come up
> with anything other than a mention that the TMO teach
> levitation as occuring in these three stages and have,
> as yet, to achieve more than the first stage.
> I've read Patanjali and a good many upanishads but
> to no avail, I don't have all day so it would be cool 
> if any experts could put me in the right direction....
> Ta.


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