Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
2.  can you recall if you and others present all described seeing exactly the 
same thing, including small variations, without cuing each other and leading 
each other?  In other words, did the reports of individuals match exactly 
without talking to each other or anyone about the experience first?  So - it 
you had all been asked to write about what you saw before saying a word to each 
other, would those descriptions match?
3.  what other out of the ordinary experiences like levitation did you witness 
with him?

If this happened now, people would whip out their phones and begin 
photographing him.  Did people try to take photos of these events with regular 

What was Rama's explanation for what was going on?

Did any of his students develop the same levitation ability? What that part of 
the training he gave?

Did Lenz himself have training in magic/sleight of hand?

I wonder what someone like Ricky Jay would say about this - if he could provide 
an explanation of how you go about appearing to levitate in the desert in front 
of hundreds.
How far off the ground did he appear to go?  I think I recall a friend saying 
he was in the clouds, or else that he moved clouds.

To me, the alternate reality theory sounds likely - kind of explains a lot we 
can't explain - ghosts, angels, levitation and other "miracles."

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "salyavin808" fintlewoodlewix@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> ts-in.html
> > >
> > > It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
> > > the invention of cinema.
> >
> > I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
> everything
> > I could have said in just sixteen words!
> Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
> someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
> weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
> than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
> Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
> claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.
> And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
> And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
> watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
> desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
> to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
> hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
> the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
> in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
> minutes, not seconds.
> That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
> was that I saw other than I and others saw it.
> I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
> lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
> not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
> witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
> level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
> level of reality.
> I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
> all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
> you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
> 200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
> pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
> believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.
> WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.
> Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
> all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
> *did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of
> time.
> Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
> skeptic's "explanation" for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
> That, to me, would be the "easy path," a cop-out.
> I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
> only that I saw it. Many times.
> Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than those who
> think that witnessing levitation would be a Good Thing That Would Make
> Their Incarnation might think.

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