--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 

Curtis: Do I really have to ask you not to do this very douchey thing Robin? 

Robin: Not douchey at all, Curtis. It could only be douchey if I falsified you 
in some way. And then everyone--not just you--would feel this. 

Curtis: OK then I'll ask. Please don't sign my name at the bottom of straw men 
of my POV out of respect for the fact that most of us just skim posts within our
otherwise busy days and it is hard enough to keep track without this in the mix.

Robin: Show me in some *essential* way that these two representations of you 
were "straw men versions of [your] POV". Because if they are--this is the 
fourth time I have said this--*you have defeated and disproven the irony 
potential of these two posts*. Because their irony consists *only* in the fact 
that they bear a very real correspondence with the truth. That is, this indeed 
is what you would say to Robin. *In principle*.

Curtis: There were many statements in what you wrote that I wouldn't want 
anyone to
think I had generated. If you want to play fast and lose with accuracy and just
assume other people will keep up, please do it at your expense in the future,not
mine. This shit we put up on the Internet is FOREVER. It carries some

Robin: I want you to show me where I "play fast and lose with accuracy" and 
"statements which [I] wrote that [you] wouldn't want anyone to think [you] had 

Your friend Steve thought the first post at least *did* represent you 
accurately. Why don't you tell  him how wrongheaded he was, given his extreme 
disposition to see you in the golden light of your beauty.

Come on, Curtis: Let's get real. I struck a blow and it hurt and you are trying 
to call the cops on me.

April Fools: that's pretty much all it was, Curtis. I gave myself a good 
beating by being you talking back to me. I thought so, anyway.

Now let's kiss and make up. For Share's sake if not for ours.

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