Dear Curtis:

Here is the honest Truth from my perspective, complete with the appropriate 
introduction.  Some of this is a repeat from my draft send; my brain is tired, 
brilliant and devious brain that it is. 

Well, I have been out of commission the last couple of days and I apologize.  
There was a major breach of my security system and I took a few major hits to 
my personhood. My bliss bubble was infiltrated; my emotions cried out in 
outrage.  The Others tucked me in to a comfortable bed in ICU and put me on 
life support.  They applied a special salve flown in on a helicopter birdie, 
rehydrated me, and I have now been transferred to the Recovery Unit, where I am 
lying here sipping on a 7-up and eating a fruit bowl, contemplating the 
enormity of my intelligence.  Not just a "run-of-the-mill" intelligence, mind 
you, but a vast and devious intelligence worthy of a great ______ like myself 
(what's the word for it? I'm sure it will come to me if I think long enough.)  

So, not to waste time with all this personal drama, take my hand and let us 
travel to the land of the FFL Games.  

(Ooops, I have just revealed a top secret, secret on the back and forth of my 
writing process.  I've been working on a couple of themes, but I like the "FFL 
Games" theme best, so I will proceed with that one.  The Others will 
undoubtedly bring me before the high court and sanction me for my truly 
passive-aggressive action here.  I hope they don't pull my hard-earned 
vacation, celebrating almost 50 years of service to the planet.  Please find it 
in your heart of hearts to forgive me Curtis; I'm off my medication).  

Now, it is of utmost importance to know that at the FFL Games (have you seen 
Hunger Games btw?), there is "war room" where an elite team of Gamers (lets 
call them the Oppressors) work to manipulate reality and disable the warriors 
fighting for Truth and Justice in the land.  There are very few rules, but one 
of them is that what happens in the Games, stays in the Games.  It is uncouth 
to breach this rule without permission and the consequences to all involved for 
such a breach are impossible to predict, even for the most experienced 

NEWSFLASH!  The Oppressors have shifted the playing field.  It *was* focused on 
a conversation between Robin and you, and now, somehow, the entire landscape 
has changed and is focused on the *breach of my security system.*  Is this 
intentional in some way? Is there a larger strategy associated with distracting 
those interested in said conversation about your integrity and honesty away 
from such pursuits?  Well, I can't say for sure, so in the meantime, I must get 
back to the skirmish in front of me.  Wait, did you let go of my hand?  That 
can't be you headed for the war room, can it?

Now, while I almost never go point to point with anyone, because I'm format 
challenged (don't believe that, it's a special-ops tactic that I use - check 
with Sal, she knows me better than anyone), I will try to restore Truth and 
Justice to this most unfortunate situation I find myself in.  

I have inserted my comments below:  

From: curtisdeltablues <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann  "I'm not going to shut up; 
it's my turn!"

Emily being quoted from her post:

"I sent your email to Curtis and Judy, because it freaked me out and those were 
the only two people at the time that I could remember that knew you in some 
fashion from FFL and whose emails were listed here.  I was looking for 
perspective on that email because it was *so* angry.  I apologize to Judy and 
Curtis for forwarding bad energy.  It won't happen again." 

Curtis:  So let's see how Judy can spin this into troll bait.  Listen up all 
you apprentice trolls. mama troll is gunna reveal the formula.

Emily:  God bless it, Curtis...did she reveal it?  The secret formula - please 
give me your opinion on what it is.  Clearly you know it.  I am but a student, 
a simple woman trying to live up to the intelligent forward-ass plotter that 
you seem to think I am - I'm all strategy Curtis.  

And in that vein, I admit though, the second I received this breach in protocol 
from Sal, I determined to devise a devious plan for revenge.  I started the 
cauldron boiling; I got out the very large wooden spoon and began to stir the 
great pot.  I added cumin and turmeric and other special herbs of a pungent 
variety. Within only a few minutes, a grand vision came to me.  

I would attempt to fool everyone on FFL who might consider me a "dimbo" or 
"drama queen" or worse.  I would create an enormous distraction and pull 
everyone's attention, who was paying attention, to me, to my sad plight.  I 
would go rogue on the Dame.  I would be so smart about this, it would defy 
logic in every sense.  I would deploy a scheme involving a grand setup between 
Judy and Curtis; this would be a highly passive-aggressive strategy and plan.  
So much so, that only the smartest of the smart would have a hope of unraveling 
the ulterior motives behind it.  

--- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Amazing, how Curtis managed to turn things around so that
> > > that Emily, the aggrieved party who Sal dumped on in a
> > > private email, is now Emily the instigator of a nefarious
> > > plot to sic Judy on poor Curtis. Pretty slick, I'd say.
> > 
> > Hey thanks for standing up to Judy for calling me dishonest...
> > 
> > oh wait, sorry I just read that again.
> > 
Curtis:  Actually I thought it was to sick Judy on Sal who Emily knows
> > hates Sal.
Judy:  Emily was not aware of my criticisms of Sal.

Curtis:  You mean the chick you usually refer to as Stupid Sal and who is 
obviously on the "other team".  Yeah, she know.

Emily:  No, no Curtis.  This was *not* my plan.  Raunchy has outed what was my 
real plan.  I'm sorry.  Us passive-agressives, we hide out.  We let others do 
our dirty work for us; we are terrible with accountability.  Judy is correct 
here, I didn't pay much mind to her criticisms of Sal and hadn't followed any 
of the conversations involving her.  I did know of the moniker she uses for 
Sal, but it's not my moniker, and I didn't give it much attention. 

The "other team"?  What other team?  Curtis, in my illusion of the love-fest 
that I translate FFL as, I simply deny that these teams exist.  Hence my 
constant irritation at Barry for "listing" me.  I can't even keep track of 
which list I'm it the "right" one or the "wrong" one this week.  Am I a 
Pip or a Pipette?  It's all so confusing.  I pride myself on being a pretty 
straight shooter.  I throw myself out here and try to stay honest and maintain 
integrity. You (and Sal) are bursting my bubble, and it is a painful 
experience, I admit.  

Emily explained
> why she sent it to Curtis and me (see below). Curtis is
> calling Emily a liar.

Curtis:  See the move?  Because Emily doesn't specifically mention all possible 
reasons for sending it to Judy, anyone who speculates about her reasons is 
calling her a liar!  So first she got me to write by calling me a liar, and now 
she is hoping to get everyone going including Emily, who has escaped this nut 
house with this troll move by claiming I was calling her a liar.

Emily:  Did I call you a liar?  I'm soooo passive aggressive, aren't I?  Oh, 
wait, that sounds directly aggressive.  When oh when did I call you a liar? You 
have every right to speculate on the reasons I sent that gem from Sal to you.  
Why believe what I told you was the reason - the same reason I posted here as a 
matter of fact.  I am honored by how devious you think I am.  My brain cells 
are firing at top speed; I planned this.  As I noted above, I devised a devious 
plan to set up Judy and Curtis both.  I will play one against the other. I will 
revel in their exchange.  After all, I need something to entertain me while I 

Curtis:  So let me be clear now that Judy has tried to play this creepy game.

Emily IMO likes stirring the pot here and watching what happens.  She did it 
often and well.  She is a student of the personal dynamics here and I seriously 
doubt she would object to this characterization of her. When she included Judy 
she knew exactly what the Judy package comes with.  I believe that she hoped 
for a little Judy/Sal smackdown in return for Sal's critical email.  And NO she 
didn't say this herself, but that doesn't mean that the reason she gave isn't 
also true.  It just may not be the complete list of motivations for why she 
chose YOU.

Emily:  Alright, I will give you half a point on this one.  I mean with all 
these ego-strokes, how can I not feel complemented?  My subconscious is running 
the show; I have no control over my motivations.  Considering that I mentioned 
I had almost no idea who Sal was - you bet, why take anything I said at face 
value Curtis.  Let's attribute motive.  A "smackdown" - God, I should so get a 
life, huh?  I can't even do my own dirty work - well, it sounds like Sal thinks 
I can - I have to exercise my powers (I've been taking lessons from the Others) 
and incite Judy to help give Sal perspective - all while asking that the email 
in question "please not be posted" in respect to the private intent of it (no 
matter how off-track) and my suspect philosophy of always giving someone the 
benefit of the doubt the first time (In fact, I'm so lazy on this point, I've 
really gotten suckered a few times in the past - don't tell anyone though), 
smart, strategic,
 Mother Hen that I am. 

> > [Judy] wasn't only calling me dishonest, she was insinuating
> > without proof that Sal's email was somehow more egregious
> > the how I described it.
> Emily also described Sal's email as being more egregious than
> how Curtis described it. Let's remind ourselves of what Emily
> wrote yesterday:

Curtis:  Duh,she was being criticized and I was being defended. Imagine that, 
we have different perspectives on the same email, what an amazing thing.

Emily:  Criticized?  Oh, let's play it down shall we.  I'm good at accepting 
criticism Curtis - constructive criticism that is.  Sal's email was mean and 
and totally off-base.  I find it hilarious that you would actually want such a 
supporter on your "team" - she is on your "team," right?  Me, I'll go with 
logic over loony every time.  

> -----
> I received a very unpleasant private email yesterday from Sal Sunshine 
> telling me to BUTT OUT of the dialogue between Robin
> and Curtis.  Now, that dialogue has gone offline so it's not
> up for comment anyhow.  I have a lot of respect for them both,
> honestly. 
> Sal, if it's on FFL it is fair game.  Those are the rules.  If
> you can't handle the heat get out of the fire.  That's what I
> do from time to time.  Do *not* email me privately again.  If
> you do, I will post it directly to FFL.  If you would like to
> say something to me, post it here at FFL.  I sent your email to
> Curtis and Judy, because it freaked me out and those were the
> only two people at the time that I could remember that knew you
> in some fashion from FFL and whose emails were listed here.
> I was looking for perspective on that email because it was *so*
> angry.  I apologize to Judy and Curtis for forwarding bad energy.
> It won't happen again. 
> -----
> > I was just bonus entertainment.
> Curtis has made himself the main event by dishonestly
> portraying Sal's email to Emily.

Curtis:  So if you can't make a case for it, just repeat it again and again. 
Right out of the troll playbook.

Emily:  I simply draw a blank on this word "troll."  I need a comprehensive 
definition.  Does it extend beyond someone perceived as just "trolling for 
attention?"  It must, if there is a whole playbook involved.  

> > I was trying to balance out a post by Dr. Dummass that was
> > calling Sal crazy since I had actually read the email and
> > the good Dr had not.
> And having read the email, Curtis knew it supported Dr.
> Dumbass's speculation about Sal. But Curtis figured he was
> safe because he didn't think either Emily or I would post
> the email. And *he* certainly wasn't going to.

Curtis:  Judy speaking on my behalf and saying exactly the opposite of what I 
actually DID say about the email.  I wonder what they call this...

Emily:  Is "what they call this" in the troll playbook?  I am against posting 
the email to FFL.  I was sent to me privately and I should have deleted it 
immediately and left to go swimming. I shouldn't have sent it to you Curtis.  
The reason I wrote out for sending it was my truth at the time.  I stand by 
this reason.  It will never happen again.  I thought that in the adult world of 
real life, normal relations return.  My mistake.  I forgot that we must 
communicate only in the context of the FFL Games.  

> Curtis tries again to distract attention from the spot he's
> in by going after Dr. Dumbass:
> > I haven't been paying much attention is Dr. and old FFL
> > poster with a new name?  That was a curiously inside comment
> > from what was posted about the exchange.  I suspect a bit of
> > contrived innocence in that post.
> > 
> > Dr.  Do you have history with Sal?
> I don't know about the doctor, but a lot of people on FFL
> have an unpleasant history with Sal.
> It's Curtis's honesty that's at issue here. Notice how he's
> attempting to twist the spotlight away from himself to
> focus on others: me, Emily, Raunchy, and now Dr. Dumbass.

My focus is on your trollery through your false accusations. 

> Of the three people who have read the email, two agree
> that it's far worse than Curtis has been attempting to
> portray it, including Emily, the person to whom it was sent.

Actually Sal thought it was just fine, so you have two on two, nice try.

> Before Curtis weighed in here, Emily testified that she had
> a lot of respect for Curtis.
> I wonder how she feels about him now.

Curtis:  Emily may or may not respect me but I know one thing for sure.  I am 
not exempt from her desire to have us entertain her, and she is not against 
stirring the pot when it suits her. I welcomed her wry wit even when I was on 
the receiving end it.  This whole event doesn't change my view of her at all.

Emily:  You get another half a point here, Curtis.  Complements will get you 

Curtis:  And of course your behavior through all this is what I expected Judy.

Emily:  Judy has my sincere thanks for taking what I wrote at face value, which 
is how it was intended to be interpreted.  Now, Curtis, clearly your point of 
view differs on this, but that's O.K.  I am over this and hope never to receive 
another personal email "supporting you" from Sal again.  Now, I must go finish 
packing.  FFL is simply not surreal enough for me, and thus I am flying to Las 
Vegas and then driving out to visit the Utah canyon lands.  I will miss these 
entertaining exchanges and I will work on perfecting my devious, pot-stirring 
approach so that next time I have to devise a grand plan, it won't be so easy 
for you, Curtis, to figure out.  



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