> The devic energy or energy of the personifications of the 
> laws of nature formed the energy that people would pick up 
> on and using that energy create all the aspects of their 
> culture...
For practical purposes all we as TMers need to know about 
the Devas are that they are pleased when we think their 
names as bija mantra. For example, Saraswati, The Goddess 
of knowledge, music, arts and science, is very pleased to 
hear Her name and She will grant you a boon if you are 
worthy. However, as Sri Ramana Maharshi says "Your own 
Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the 

All you have to do is sit comfortably and be aware of the 
bija mantra. This 'just sitting and thinking' is Yoga, the 
best path on the planet for to get enlightened. This is 
just being aware of being aware; that's it, that's all you 
have to do! Pure awareness. 

It has already been established that the Indo-Europeans 
brought Mantra Yoga to South Asia. 


And, the Vedas reveal the mantras, with the Upanishads 
their explanation.


So, we have MMY giving us the bija of Saraswati, a bija 
that he recieved from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, who in 
turn got the bija from Swami Krishanand Saraswati of the 
Sringeri Matha. 

So, we have the Saraswati bija mantra going back to Adi 
Shankaracharya who founded the Sringeri, and put there 
the Sri Yantra with the bijas inscribed on it. Then, the 
Shankarachara wrote out the Soundarylahari and the Ananda 
Lahari, which explained and enumerated all thirteen Sri 
Vidya bija mantras.

So much for the facts.

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