Richard, I bet a really good jyotishi could tell us who it's going to be about 
tomorrow (-:

John, what about Guru and Rahu in the 8th, opposed by Mars and Ketu in 2nd.  
Can't be good!

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

> It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
> That Curtis or anyone else "owes" him a response
> in which he addresses what he says about him. And
> that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
> do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
> until he does.
> That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
> what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
> ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
> That's what attention vampires do. That's what
> Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
> trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
> It's NOT what normal people do. 
> What would you do if some guy on the street walked
> up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
> about you in your face, and then stood there 
> demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
> and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
> point up to the sky and say " that a UFO?"
> ...and then run away?
> And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
> start to think that they can demand things of
> others that they would never dare to demand of 
> them in real life.
So, it's all about Barry. LoL!
Share, I tried to warn you.

> > > I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
> > > bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
> > > you, Curtis. 
> > 
> > M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
> > Got it.  Over and out.


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