--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> >
> > Great links for researching.  
> Y'know, Buck, I just had a flash of insight about what 
> would be a cool dharma task for you to undertake, should
> it interest you. 
> You'd be the perfect person to write a "History of the
> Transcendental Meditation Movement." But with a twist.
> Write it as if you're a religious historian 50 to 100
> years in the future, trying to make sense of it the
> same way you do with the early American religious 
> groups you love reading about and learning about. 
> I think it would be gangbusters. Maybe not bestseller
> material unless you made it really steamy, but I'd
> buy it and read it.

Well, we do know that parts of it are steamy. I've been interacting with 
outsiders for a long time helping them look in.  Even from the start of FFL I 
most always write as if it is to outsiders.  It's an interesting task to try to 
provide insight.  I have now a really important e-mail I have to write today to 
a bunch of scholars on the whole subject.
When I visit these historic communal sites of Utopian villages like Fairfield 
that are run as museums I often watch the tour guides and think what they would 
say in the future about what 'we were doing' in Fairfield.  The ones that I 
found really interesting were some of the younger tour guides at a Shaker 
village who obviously were very Christian interpreting what Mother Ann and the 
Shakers were all about.  Hey, it was a paying job for a local people.  Imagine 
how local people in the future will interpret for a visiting public what had 
gone on in Fairfield in a hundred years time.  America and certainly Iowa also 
are littered with former Utopian sites.  But for the wealth now of a few donors 
this place could quickly become one too.  Yes, it's an interesting story.
Of Iowa,

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