--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...>

> Yep, reading comprehension never was your strong suit, Steve. It's why
Ravi calls you a fucking retard and ask I you to get your facts straight
so you don't always sound like you don't know what you're talking about.
Here's the scoop: Ann uses "dancing" as a metaphor for the part that
everyone played in generating and perpetuating the group dynamic of WTS.
This is such an elementary lesson in the use of metaphor, that I feel
embarrassed for you that you didn't get it. Now, if you were being
honest, Steve, you would have cited a specific example of giving a wide
berth to my allies, rather than calling my integrity into
question...again. Look to your own integrity when you make unfounded
allegations and for goodness sake, start writing as if you're not in a
chronic fog of confusion.

Yea, I missed it Raunchy.  I guess sometimes that happens when you read
something too quickly.  Sort of like when Robin posted the beautiful
video of the two Brazillian singers doing the duet.   I felt sorry  that
you could be so clueless as to the intent of the video.  As I recall
Judy had to enlighten you on that one. Or perhaps the fact that you may
have been the last person to realize that Osama Bin Laden was killed by
US troops.  Or maybe you still aren't dialed into that yet.

I don't care to once again bring up the issue of your lack of
credibility. As I've said before, the only one who has sometimes been so
one sided about issues is Sal.  Perhaps that is why you  have such 
animosity towards her.  You know how  that works, right?

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