--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> What you omitted here, no doubt "by accident," was the fact that
> I coined the moniker Saint Share not in response to the post of 
> hers that you place next to mine (making my response look as if
> I am being insensitive to Share), but to a comment by Emily on
> that post.

Feste, you've lost it. I did not, of course, intend to make
it look as though your post was a response to hers; if you
can't figure out why that's obvious, go stew in your own
inane juice.

Nor do I have any idea how you think what you wrote would
appear to be "insensitive" to Share. That's some kind of
weird fantasy of yours.

I chose those two posts from early in Share's tenure on
FFL because in light of subsequent developments, they are
supremely, if inadvertently, ironic.

Let's have another look at the post of Share's I quoted,
since you conveniently deleted it (can't say as I blame you
under the circumstances):

"This is an apology to anyone whose feelings tender heart
[sic] I may have hurt. I'm willing to do what I can to make
amends. And I'm doing my best to develop so that I don't
continue hurting people knowingly or unknowingly."

Share has demonstrated very effectively that the last two
sentences are bullshit. Either that, or her "best" is
appallingly inadequate. When she's under any kind of
pressure, and sometimes even when she's just feeling punk,
she lashes out repeatedly with the intent to hurt people.
She has *no* inhibitions whatsoever about attempting to
hurt people, nor has she the slightest interest in making
genuine amends. And she writes far nastier snark than
Stupid Sal ever did.

> This is part of Emily's response:
> Dear Share: You are a gem of a human being. I'm not sure what 
> inspired you to write this, but you seem the least likely to
> hurt anyone's "tender feelings."  [end quote]

Yup, Share fooled even Emily.

> I was gently tweaking those who were responding to Share in
> the way that Emily did.

Oh, I'm not so sure of that.

> It is one thing to tweak someone in a post and then drop it
> (as I did) but it is quite another to pursue an ugly
> vendetta against a particular poster, as you have done for
> months with Share.

I don't think anybody is comparing your posts to mine, feste.

What you don't seem to want to deal with is that seven of
the sharpest posters on FFL--Emily, raunchy, Ann, Robin,
Alex, Ravi, and me--find Share's behavior appalling and
have criticized her for it. You look pretty foolish when
you just take wild swings at me.

> You seem so contorted with rage against her that you cannot
> think straight.

Sorry, no, feste, I'm thinking very straight, and I'm not
"contorted with rage." What an idiotic thing to say. And
if you were to go look at my posts to Share in the archives,
you'd discover that when I first began to criticize her I
did so quite gently, until recently, when she has just lost
control of herself completely.

> You deliberately interpret everything she writes in the worst
> possible light.

No more vague generalizations. If you have an accusation
to make, support it with examples and be accountable for
it, or shut your face.

The *fact* is that those of us who feel Share is in need
of some very serious healing have been very specific in
pointing out her misbehavior; whereas her defenders spout
these nitwit accusations that they can't or won't back up.
They--very much including you--are fundamentally cowardly,
just as she is. This is very much a "shoot the messenger"

> Regarding Share, she has given you a response that is far kinder
> than you deserve,

Nothing she said was true, feste.

> and I think you should now STFU about her. Find some other
> outlet for your psychic demons but leave Share alone.

If you don't mind, I'll continue to criticize Share as
long as she continues to behave with zero integrity and
maximum ill will toward other people.

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