> LaughingGull will whine, "Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
> here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
> here, huh, huh?"
It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
a perv, based on your birth circumstances.

So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
single informant came to my defense!

At about the two year point of my participation I 
replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
about Rama. 


After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
in 1968.
That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
Share. Go figure.

A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
in no particular order. 


Richard, you life hating fuck.

You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.

Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.

You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.

Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
think you were the BTK murderer.

Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
for yet more suffering in the world.

I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
and denounce this vile presence here. 

He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.

You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.

You're a shitheel apologist for evil.

You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.

You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.

You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.

Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

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