On 12/11/2012 10:30 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> It should be clear to everyone by now that the
>>> Republicans are not going to approve any higher
>>> tax rate for the wealthy...
> Bhairitu:
>> Or we could have a tax strike.  People could go to
>> their HR departments and raise the exceptions on
>> their tax withholding and bankrupt the government.
> News flash! The U.S. Government is already bankrupt.
>> We can no longer afford a Plutocracy or there WILL
>> be a violent revolution that will make Greece
>> look like a Sunday picnic.
> How you gonna have a "violent revolution" when you
> don't even attend 'Tea Parties' to protest government
> spending or even own a weapon?

Where did I say I would be part of the "violent revolution"? History 
repeats itself but I don't think it is the Tea Party boobs who would 
revolt even though they should.

Where the mood is now (in Michigan and not about taxes but...) :

> Most people pay little or no federal income tax
> because of low salaries, exemptions and federal tax
> credits. When federal income taxes are increased,
> less tax is collected.

The Plutocrats made out like bandits because of the Bush tax cuts. Leave 
the tax cuts for the middle class in place and raise taxes on those 
making over $250K a little.  Or "there will be blood."

> I'm in favor of zero income tax, or maybe a flat
> tax; it's time for the folks working to pay their
> fair share. Most of the taxes you pay are probably
> state taxes and taxes on purchases.

How about no tax until you have an estate worth $250K?

> Here is my plan:
> Make the federal government lease out all federal
> land for drilling, in California and all the
> Western states including Alaska, so that the U.S.
> can become independent of OPEC oil imports within
> five years. Raise the federal tax on foreign fuel.

So you want to destroy our federal parks system?

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