--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Thanks, Turq.  I agree with what you say about most of the FFL people.  
> That they aren't in need of or even interested in this kind of post.  But I 
> send something if I think it might be helpful for even one FFL poster or 
> someone they love.  I don't necessarily have a particular person in mind. 
> And I'm not really making any assumption except that I don't know all the 
> details about the life and loved ones of anyone here.  I certainly assume 
> that people will ignore my posts if they're not useful to them.  
> Apologies to anyone who may have felt as you suggest, insulted, by such posts 
> of mine.

We forgive you ;-)

>  From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 7:18 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Newton Forgiveness Prayer condensed versions
> Share, I have to comment. While I know that you must feel that you are 
> helping and doing something positive by proselytizing for all these healers 
> and teachers and charlatans you see, I think that you're doing so as the 
> result of laboring under a faulty assumption.
> You seem to assume that everyone here feels as *in need of* healing and 
> forgiveness as you are. This simply isn't true. 
> I think you may be taking your experience in Fairfield (where *far* too many 
> people are *far* too sick *far* too much of the time, or believe that they 
> are) and your experiences in life (still obsessing over traumatic or negative 
> experiences you've had and feeling that you need to be "healed" of them) and 
> projecting these things onto other people. You seem to be assuming, in other 
> words, that everyone is pretty much like you, and spends their lives in 
> constant NEED of "healing" and "forgiveness." 
> I think you're wrong. I, for one, almost *never* think about these things, 
> and furthermore, never have. I don't think that most of the people on this 
> forum think of them very often, either. Instead, we tend to live our lives 
> and focus on happier things, not wallowing in past guilt or wanting 
> forgiveness for past transgressions or feeling that we need healing from a 
> seemingly endless list of maladies. 
> In addition, to be perfectly honest, most of us have neither the time on our 
> hands that you seem to have, in which to flock to endless healers and 
> charlatans in search of these things, or the freely-available amounts of 
> money that you seem to have to spend on them. 
> So, while you are free to keep pursuing this seemingly endless quest for 
> absolution and healing yourself PLEASE don't keep assuming that everyone on 
> this forum (or *anyone* on this forum, for that matter) wants to emulate your 
> example. I honestly don't think that most people do. 
> We studied the things we studied and learned from the teachers we worked with 
> *so that we wouldn't have to keep studying with them and learning from them 
> forever*. We were interested in learning a few techniques or a little useful 
> information that would enable us to stand on our *own* two feet spiritually, 
> and not be constantly running off to someone else to "do it for us." 
> Treating us as if we're as stuck in the "I'm not the way I want to be yet, so 
> I have to see another teacher or healer this week...maybe two" rut the way 
> you seem to be in is kinda insulting, and not nearly the favor you seem to 
> think it is. And we *certainly* don't need to be told "how to pray" by 
> someone who makes his living by selling insta-prayers to people too 
> uncreative to think up their own. 
> I guess that what I'm suggesting is that you should save your enthusiasm 
> about the charlatans you spend your money on for people more like yourself. 
> My feeling is that very few on this forum are in the market for what you're 
> selling, and you constantly trying to sell it to us is getting old.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > prayers:  God, all that You are, please help me to forgive them.  Please 
> > help them to forgive me.  Please help us all to forgive each other, 
> > forgive ourselves, forgive all people and all people forgive us, completely 
> > and totally, no matter what, please and thank you.
> > 
> > Notes:  you can use any word or phrase in place of God.  Infinite Light, 
> > Divine Presence, Source, Being, Divine Mother, etc.  But John also said 
> > that any phrase would work.  In the training on Dec 8, he used an ordinary 
> > phrase and it worked, meaning that the person's pain subsided.  He said 
> > we're not praying to someone higher than ourselves.  We're praying to 
> > someone more all inclusive than ourselves.
> >   
> > John's main teacher, Howard Wills began using Ancestral Forgiveness Prayers 
> > over 30 years ago and has helped many people with all kinds of minor and 
> > major ailments.  John himself began working with people over 25 years 
> > ago.  He began studying with Howard about 16 years ago and continues to 
> > also help many people with all kinds of minor and major ailments.  John 
> > also learned the TMSP in 1992 and continues to practice that.  Here's a 
> > slightly longer version of the prayer:
> > 
> > prayer:  God, all that You are, for me, all my family members, all our 
> > relationships, all our ancestors and all their relationships through all 
> > time, through all our lives.  For all hurts and wrongs:  physical, 
> > mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual and financial through thought, word or 
> > deed--please help us all forgive each other, forgive ourselves, forgive all 
> > people and all people forgive us, completely and totally, no matter what, 
> > please and thank you.
> > 
> > Notes:  John explains that the 4 pillars of the prayers are:  God, 
> > forgiveness, please, thank you.  When he works with people he sometimes 
> > says a longer version of the prayer out loud.  Sometimes has the person 
> > repeat after him.  Sometimes he says the prayer silently.  Often he 
> > customizes the prayer to the person's particular situation.  With his 25+ 
> > years of working successfully with people he has noticed that certain parts 
> > of the body are associated with certain issues.  For example, he has 
> > noticed that teeth issues, in addition to the mundane causes, are often 
> > associated with fear of dying.
> > 
> > I offer all this in case anyone on FFL is dealing with major stuff either 
> > themselves or with a loved one.  The prayer of course can be used in 
> > conjunction with both Western approaches to well being and approaches from 
> > other cultures.   
> >

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