--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I don't get it. Are you talking about the contrast in 
> > my sn? What I mean with the other guy, is he acts all 
> > pissed off and nasty, and seemingly out of the blue 
> > (actually prodded by his own sense of self-image on 
> > FFL), he goes all reflective and cute-sy on us. Its 
> > the reverse of the way other people act - i.e. nice 
> > for the most part, with an occasional tirade. I don't 
> > think you even tried to answer my question.
> We *understand* that you don't get it. Could that 
> possibly have something to do with the fact that
> you feel the need to classify the things you see 
> into little "good" and "bad" boxes, and that you 
> will NEVER, in ANY lifetime, understand the concept 
> of Tantra -- the coexistence of and non-contradictory
> nature of seeming opposites?  :-)

Balderdash. We *understand* that you're full of it,
Barry. We *understand* that you suffer from out-of-
control rages. We *understand* that the only thing
that makes you feel you exist is to crap all over
people. We *understand* that your concept of "Tantra"
is just an excuse you use to indulge in psychological
sadism and has nothing to do with real Tantra.

> Be careful about announcing to the world the sad
> limitations of your ability to perceive that world.

No, the issue is the limitations of your ability to
control your behavior.
> It's one thing if you keep them to yourself and 
> attempt to hide them, as many here do,

That would be you. But we can all see them.

 but quite 
> another when you lay them on everyone else and expect 
> them to identify with the sad and often pitiful 
> boundaries you impose upon yourself.

Speaks the Master of Projection himself. 

> I have *never* -- not once -- felt "pissed off and
> nasty" during this last "posting month" on FFL.

If that's really the case, then you're a psychopath.

> If 
> you believe that I have, that is what YOU project
> onto what I write, based on what YOU feel in *reaction*
> to what I write.

No. No, what you write demonstrates how you feel almost
all the time: pissed off and nasty and filled with

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