Geeeez, I don't know about you three.  I woke up grounded, centered, clear, and 
out of the higher and higher anxiety I've been experiencing most of this month. 
 So high, in fact, I was waking up in tears the last two days and spontaneously 
crying my way through the whole day.  It's a good thing it's been raining here 
- no one can tell on my ever-longer dog walks.  This AM, I woke up early and 
completely calm - it was very woo woo as I was expecting another day of 
emotional hell.  Of course, not believing in the power of 12-21-12, I am going 
to start with some preventative actions in my daily life - I suck at self-care. 
 Anyhow, a welcome relief.  And then, the fortune in my fortune cookie tonight 
said "this is a good month to take a financial risk."  It just gets better and 

> From: seventhray27 <>
>Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:21 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Crutches
>I just checked in for a moment.  Tell me you're kidding.  This morning, 
>getting ready for work, I was getting my coat out of the closet and my wife 
>was close by checking the mail.  I had to step to the side of her where there 
>happened to be a desk lamp we had recently purchased at an estate sale.  I 
>knocked it over and it broke, and I had a mini tirade.  I apologized to her, 
>and proceeded with my day. She of course had done nothing wrong, and my tirade 
>wasn't directed at her, but just one of those, "why do I have to fight so hard 
>for everything little thing" type of tirade. 
>Anyway.  In better balance now.  Got to be.
>--- In, Share Long  wrote:
>> Hmmm, must be something in the planets.  I bashed into my Mom's glass 
>> coffee table with my knee.  Had to apologize to her afterwards for the 
>> cussing that ensued.  Hope you feel better soon.  I bet that Carol O of 
>> Bat would know who has crutches.
>> ________________________________
>>  From: Rick Archer rick@...
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 10:05 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Crutches
>> Does anyone here in FF have a pair of crutches I may borrow? I slipped on 
>> the ice and hurt my knee.

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