Another funny coincidence in all this in terms of astrology.....One of the 
primary planets that rules over spirituality, Saturn (ketu is the other), is 
not only a planet that rules over spirituality, but also discipline, 
responsibility, humility, and working.  You would think that groups of people 
who identify with spirituality would be the most disciplined, humble, and 
productive individuals.


--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> "TMers never had that model to benefit from. Many of them
> strove to *avoid* work whenever and however possible. Their
> loss. Maybe that explains why none of them ever achieved
> the enlightenment they claimed to be pursuing so diligently."
> I think I already sometime in the past mentioned the episode where Susan 
> Humphries threatened to have me immediately dismissed from MIU for my refusal 
> to run my department in the kitchen according to "maharishi's theory of 
> management" meaning that I was to sit on my can and do nothing except 
> delegate all orders to my subordinates.
> Even in my TM addiction days I thought it was such an (unfunny) joke that the 
> TMO always touts the effects of TM as creating greater efficiency, greater 
> returns on ones efforts in life (excellence in action) when most of the TMO 
> leadership and even mid to low lever managers were always rude, inefficient, 
> indolent and notoriously unable to get things done.
> ________________________________
>  From: turquoiseb <>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 3:54 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is the TMO's concept of 'Heaven on Earth'?
> --- In, "seekliberation"  wrote:
> >
> > I was just thinking, i've spent a lot of time arguing, pointing out faults, 
> > and trying to correct certaing unrealistic points of view with my family 
> > members, friends, and even a few people on this forum regarding the 
> > creation of Heaven on Earth.  But then I realized....perhaps we just have 
> > conflicting views of what Heaven on Earth is really going to be like, and 
> > therefore it's pointless to argue.
> > 
> > For example, I believe that we could do a lot more to make this world more 
> > conducive to life, spirituality, learning, and education.  But just because 
> > those areas have improved doesn't mean we have 'Heaven on Earth'.  But that 
> > also depends on what concept we consider 'heaven on earth'.
> > 
> > After my interaction with most die hard TMO TB's over the years, I am 
> > convinced that their conception of heaven on earth is pretty much a Disney 
> > movie, but with no villians.  Everyone will be skipping in the fields, 
> > singing songs like in the 'sound of music' and holding hands together.  No 
> > one will have to work (at least not hard), no more weapons, no one will 
> > ever get hurt, we will all live longer, no one will get sick (very rarely 
> > at least), and basically, every single experience in life that is difficult 
> > or challenging will go away.  It will become a thing of the past.  
> > Difficulties, challenges, strife, and personal conflict will be over. 
> > 
> > I simply wonder sometimes if the TMO has ever really explained what they 
> > really mean by Heaven on Earth?  Do they really advertise that there will 
> > be no war, no violence some day?  No more theft, fraud, cheating or lying?  
> > All these negative qualities will just disappear?  That seems to be the 
> > perception and that I get when discussing what HOE will be like if it 
> > happens. 
> > 
> > Anyone here have any experience in the TMO actually defining HOE?
> A good question. I have no definitive answers, having bailed from the TMO 
> long before they started selling HOE's on street corners. :-) 
> My suspicion, based on the time I was there and the mentality shown by TM 
> TB's I've encountered since, is that almost no one ever really *thought* 
> about the nature of HOE at all. They just knew that it was  a Good Thing 
> because they'd been told it was, and it was To Be Sought because...well...ALL 
> the best stuff in life was to be eternally Sought, and never achieved. That's 
> just how things are.  :-)
> If they imagine HOE at all, I suspect it looks a lot like this, only without 
> the Hobbit:
> Everything all bright and shiny, celestial light all around, making 
> everything look like those tacky pastel paintings in TM books. 
> The important thing is that ALL of it would be achieved without ever having 
> to resort to that horrible thing that lesser-evolved souls have to rely on to 
> achieve their dreams, W...W...W....WORK. Can't have that. TMers (being so 
> special and all) should just be able to sit (or bounce) on their fat butts 
> and have it all Just Happen, because...uh...they're so special and all. That 
> W-word is for losers; they should just be able to think HOE into existence.
> Of course there would be no crime (because everyone would be in accord with 
> the Laws Of Nature), and everything would be wonderful all the time. You 
> could eat all the ice cream and lollipops and sugar you wanted, and never 
> have to worry about diabetes, exactly the way Maharishi lived. (That diabetes 
> thing he ignored was just because of the non-HOE environment, doncha know). 
> Buck would be out of a job because there would be nothing for him to bitch 
> about. There would be no "dome slackers" because anyone who didn't show up 
> for "program" would be hunted down, thrown across one of his horses, and 
> dragged back to the domes, where they would be forced to sit up straight and 
> be Perfect Little Meditators.
> I'm not sure what place non-meditators would have in an HOE world. It's not 
> like they're the equals of the meditators, after all, but some of them must 
> still exist, so maybe they're kept in barns and corrals and used for food. 
> The only fly in the ointment is what would happen to all the TM TB outliers 
> who have based their entire lives (and their livelihoods) on being charlatans 
> in the periphery of the TMO. You know...all of the healers who would be out 
> of work because in the HOE there would be no diseases to heal, and the people 
> selling quickie paths to enlightenment, who would also be out of work because 
> everyone would already be enlightened, and all the shysters selling S-V 
> houses, who would also be out of work because houses in HOE would just build 
> themselves so that no one ever had to W...W...W...WORK, and they would build 
> themselves facing the right directions and with no south-facing entrances.
> Still, what to do about all these TMers who no longer have careers selling 
> things to other gullible TMers. Maybe they're used as food, too. 
> Better check in with one of the TBs here to get a definitive answer on this...

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