Yep, must've moved here around the same time you did (Nov.'93) - then things 
waffled around for a few years, until they exploded and imploded within a span 
of 3 or 4 years - The Bubble...

The cycle seems to work here, as tough as it is to adjust to, because each 
cycle brings a significant wave of new tech along with the growth. Which also 
weeds out the carpetbaggers on a regular basis.:-)

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> Not to mention that housing prices are beginning rise again or recoup.  
> Also when I moved here 20 years ago the U-Haul guy was so happy to see 
> me because he now had another truck to rent to folks fleeing.  It's a cycle.
> On 01/01/2013 04:55 PM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> > Ha! That was funny - Barry2 and I posted responses with an identical 
> > timestamp!
> >
> > What I wanted to say too, is one thing that aids creativity is natural 
> > beauty, and we have that amazing Pacific coastline here, the bays, the 
> > rivers, estuaries, mountains, valleys, and it all seems to relax people.
> >
> > Of course, the place is full of type A personalities, especially here  in 
> > the SF Bay Area, but the stress here really is dissipated by the natural 
> > surroundings, making for a more laid back culture. Not that everyone is a 
> > flake, either, but there is sort of this respect for differences that seems 
> > to come naturally around here. Indians and Chinese, Vietnamese, Pacific 
> > Islanders, Mexicans, Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Russians, Irish, 
> > Scandinavian, Portuguese, you name it. No one gets up in anyone's face. And 
> > the weather rocks, too. Excellent *quality* of life.
> >
> > --- In, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >> California has always led the rest of the country culturally, and I am 
> >> sure we will be in better shape economically soon, now that Jerry Brown is 
> >> Governor, again. One of the few true civil servants, that guy.
> >>
> >> Also, the Republicans here are almost nonexistent politically (30% maybe), 
> >> so despite there still being some very sleazy Democrats, the state govt. 
> >> runs more efficiently as a result.
> >>
> >> California's strong suit is its creativity, both in high tech and 
> >> entertainment. As long as that keeps going, we'll do OK.
> >>
> >> --- In, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@> 
> >> wrote:
> >>> California is the epitome of the direction this country is going in.  It 
> >>> has the highest debt of any state, with a total of over 600 billion, and 
> >>> 1 out of every 9 people are on food stamps.
> >>>
> >>> The scary part about it is that a lot of people there are moving to other 
> >>> states now.  They are typically the entepreneurs and self-sufficient tax 
> >>> payers.  Eventually one of two things will happen.  Either a significant 
> >>> # of 'atlas' type people will be gone and the state will collapse in the 
> >>> same way the US probably will.  Or the government will establish 
> >>> draconian measures such as taxing people who try to leave by taxing their 
> >>> assets and business they take with them.  Welcome to stage 2 of socialism.
> >>>
> >>> seekliberation
> >>>
> >>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >>>> California has over 900.  I think in order to make a new law you need to
> >>>> do away with two.  America has too many laws and it is stifling things.
> >>>>
> >
> >

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