So where did you get that 600 billion figure?  It was only 28 billion as 
of last September.  I'm just sitting here waiting for the place to 
collapse and it ain't gonna be any better in any other state when that 
happens or I will have neighbors I don't like or get along with.  I 
don't exactly see a lot of "self sufficient" tax payers nor 
entrepreneurs fleeing the state.  Probably for the same reason I don't 
want to leave (also add in weather).

Nothing wrong with socialism.  Americans have been brainwashed against 
it and there are plenty of countries that have it with free enterprise 
along side.

Frankly I find the human race to be a pathetic joke.

On 01/01/2013 02:52 PM, seekliberation wrote:
> California is the epitome of the direction this country is going in.  It has 
> the highest debt of any state, with a total of over 600 billion, and 1 out of 
> every 9 people are on food stamps.
> The scary part about it is that a lot of people there are moving to other 
> states now.  They are typically the entepreneurs and self-sufficient tax 
> payers.  Eventually one of two things will happen.  Either a significant # of 
> 'atlas' type people will be gone and the state will collapse in the same way 
> the US probably will.  Or the government will establish draconian measures 
> such as taxing people who try to leave by taxing their assets and business 
> they take with them.  Welcome to stage 2 of socialism.
> seekliberation
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> California has over 900.  I think in order to make a new law you need to
>> do away with two.  America has too many laws and it is stifling things.

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