Look feste37 - clearly you have  no sense of humor either....after a script 
from Share straight out of "Real Housewives of Somewhere," why can't it be 
commented on? If there is something about Share's mental health we need to 
know, please alert Alex or someone who can discreetly send out emails.  
Otherwise, I really enjoyed this from Share, honestly, it made me laugh...and 
Ann's comment too....and not because I am holding a grudge - I got over her 
last slam mail yesterday.  I am laughing "at" her, but not meanly, and maybe 
she intended this as such, who knows.  Remember, we are interacting with words 
here.  If Share had a sense of humor, she would laugh as well.  Maybe she did?  

> From: feste37 <fest...@yahoo.com>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 6:29 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment to Steve and Xeno but not to you 
>know who ha ha
>One swipe at Share last night, then another one first thing this morning. 
>Share really gets to you, doesn't she, wolf? Oh yes, I know, you are ONLY 
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
>> >
>> > You guys are so right on!  My Mom has a Saturn.  Though not in her 
>> > garage.  Just outside her condo.  Well she actually doesn't have a 
>> > garage.  So it's not that she has a garage but doesn't use it, etc.  And 
>> > when I say just outside her condo I do want to clear that up.  First 
>> > there's the door.  Well doors really.  A sliding screen one which she 
>> > says is cheap and needs to be replaced.  And then a wooden one which has 
>> > 2 locks though I'm only allowed to use one of them.  Then a patio which 
>> > evidently had lots of drama the last few months in that the walls were 
>> > caving in.  She's definitely putting that on the crazy couple upstairs 
>> > and the shoddy contractors now long gone.  Then some grass on which she 
>> > doesn't like dogs to poop.  Then a sidewalk.  Then more grass which she 
>> > also prefers to remain a poop free zone.  Which I'm hoping we can all 
>> > understand, even the dog lovers here.  Then a curb.  And then
 her very own handicapped parking space. 
>> >  That's where she keeps her Saturn.  Which is white BTW.  Thank God not 
>> > a creamy white which is associated with the Moon.  But more of a Venus 
>> > white which is good for vehicles.  Yay!  
>> > 
>> > Whew!  
>> > 
>> > Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, my Mom's Saturn.  Which is actually funny 
>> > because my Saturn is in Cancer which is ruled by the Moon which is 
>> > associated with Mother in jyotish, astrology, and on all Batgap interviews 
>> > (-:
>> > 
>> > And the Moon in the 6th does aspect Saturn.  And I am writing this on 
>> > Monday which is ruled by the Moon...Life, you gotta love it! 
>> > 
>> > Yikes, where was I?!  Oh yes, my Mom's Saturn.  Which is officially now 
>> > falling apart, meaning it's one expensive repair after another including 
>> > recently a leaky gas tank.  Various gagging gasping people have been 
>> > mentioning the gas smell to her for about 2 years.  But who's counting?  
>> > And guess what?  Saturn, the corporation not her car and not the planet 
>> > either.  At least I don't think so.  Anyway, Saturn the corporation 
>> > which we have to also recognize is a person I guess, has gone out of 
>> > business so she has to take car to grumpy gas station owner in West 
>> > Annapolis.  She bakes him and his wife cookies every Christmas but that 
>> > hasn't seemed to make him any less grumpy.  I bet his Saturn is very 
>> > screwed up (-:
>> Wow, what/who do we have to blame for this? Sugar, Wong or the moon and 
>> stars?
>> > 
>> > 
>> > ________________________________
>> >  From: seventhray27 
>> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> > Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:08 PM
>> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment to seekliberation
>> > 
>> > 
>> >   
>> > Xeno, you have raised a serious point.  Saturn in a garage can be very 
>> > malefic if it becomes activated.  Saturn, in order to have a beneficial 
>> > influence, must be able to circulate in some fashion.  We have a Saturn 
>> > now, in our backyard.  It's influence is generally positive but it 
>> > always has the benefit of earth grounding in its daily circulations. 
>> > 
>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Really enjoyed this, seekliberation.  Ketu is in Libra in first 
>> > > > > house for me.  Saturn is just transiting that.  Rahu is just 
>> > > > > entering Libra, will transit natal Ketu and transiting Saturn at 
>> > > > > some point in the future.  Expecting wild times ahead.  But in 
>> > > > > general I love when Saturn transits Libra.  One jyotishi told me 
>> > > > > Saturn is also deep contentment and that is indeed my experience. 
>> > > > >  When I surrender into Saturn's discipline, etc. deep contentment is 
>> > > > > the result.  
>> > > > > 
>> > > > Considering the state of my automobile, I think I would prefer Saturn 
>> > > > in my garage, even though I have no natural affinity for that brand of 
>> > > > transportation.
>> > > 
>> > > Careful Xeno, one of those white knights might come bounding in and 
>> > > accuse you of being mean to Share. But me, I liked your little joke. You 
>> > > see, I actually have a sense of humour. Now if I could only get her to 
>> > > actually laugh at herself, just once, when I rib her about another front 
>> > > row seat at Wrong or Wong or Wombat's healing hoe down. I would consider 
>> > > that a good day. But then no one ever said the newly-healed possess the 
>> > > ability to find their human condition downright hilarious at times.
>> > > >
>> > > > http://www.theonion.com/articles/your-horoscopes-week-of-january-9th-2013,30844/
>> > > > 
>> > > > > ________________________________
>> > > > > From: seekliberation 
>> > > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>> > > > > Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:20 AM
>> > > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > 
>> > > > >   
>> > > > > I know a lot on this forum don't care much for astrology, but it did 
>> > > > > make sense to me as I began to understand it a little better. This 
>> > > > > will, however, take some explaining. 
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > A lot of gurus and belief systems have convinced many that we can 
>> > > > > achieve enlightenment in this lifetime. But I have a problem with 
>> > > > > the word 'achieve'. What aspect of our consciousness wants to 
>> > > > > 'Achieve' something? It's ultimately our Ego that would want to 
>> > > > > achieve something, and therefore our tendency to try to 'achieve' 
>> > > > > enlightenment is pretty much symbolic of someone with an IQ of 75 
>> > > > > trying to become a rocket scientist. 
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > In vedic astrology, the planet that rules over our ego and indicates 
>> > > > > what direction our ego will want to go in is the Sun. However, the 
>> > > > > Sun, in Jyotish, does not have the capacity to 'enlighten' us. Ketu 
>> > > > > is the only planet that truly has the capacity to lead a person 
>> > > > > towards enlightenment. Unfortunately, Ketu (as well as Rahu) is not 
>> > > > > like the other planets, it is a 'shadow' planet. For example, if you 
>> > > > > want to develop qualities of Mercury, intellectual activities are 
>> > > > > recommended, and for Mars, competitive and intense activities are 
>> > > > > recommended. Unfortunately can't be developed more by choosing 
>> > > > > different activities or by 'trying' harder to 'achieve' its nature. 
>> > > > > So the question remains, how do we get our consciousness to a point 
>> > > > > where it can handle the qualities of Ketu, being as it is the only 
>> > > > > planet that can enlighten us?
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > First, learn the speed at which the planets rotate through all the 
>> > > > > zodiac signs:
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > Moon: 30 days
>> > > > > Sun: 1 year 
>> > > > > Mercury: 3 months (approx)
>> > > > > Venus: 7 months (approx)
>> > > > > Mars: 2 years (approx)
>> > > > > Jupiter: 12 years
>> > > > > Rahu/Ketu: 18 years
>> > > > > Saturn: 29.5 years
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > So basically, interpretation of the above: The faster a planet 
>> > > > > rotates through the zodiac, the less stable that quality of 
>> > > > > consciousness is. The slower it rotates, the more stable it is. So 
>> > > > > if Moon and Sun rotate the fastest, then that means our Ego and our 
>> > > > > Emotions are the most unstable qualities of consciousness. Rahu/Ketu 
>> > > > > take 18 years to go through the zodiac. But as said before, we don't 
>> > > > > learn or deal with Rahu/Ketu directly. So instead, we have to 
>> > > > > acquire the qualities of consciousness that are deeper and more 
>> > > > > stable than the influence of Karma. Mercury (intellect), Venus 
>> > > > > (love, balance), and Mars (competition, intensity) also fall very 
>> > > > > short. Now you notice, Jupiter (conventional religion, philosophy, 
>> > > > > higher education) rotates through the zodiac every 12 years. So it 
>> > > > > certainly comes very close to preparing our consciousness for 
>> > > > > enlightenment, but it falls just shy of paying the bills. So that 
>> > > > > leaves one planet and one planet only: 
>> > > > > Saturn. Saturn is the only planet (in Vedic Astrology) that rotates 
>> > > > > at a slow enough rate to enable our consciousness to handle the 
>> > > > > experience of enlightenment. So what does Saturn represent? 
>> > > > > Patience, discipline, transcendence, loyalty, anything that requires 
>> > > > > sacrifice or long term commitment, etc….
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > It's also important not to mistake people who display the qualities 
>> > > > > of either Jupiter or Saturn for enlightened people, which is often 
>> > > > > what many Cults do. Jupiter and Saturn are quite powerful. Jupiter 
>> > > > > can give rise to impressive wisdom, enough to keep the lightweight 
>> > > > > Mercury-like Pseudo intellectuals captivated for long enough to get 
>> > > > > their money. Saturn, if our consciousness really grasps it, is 
>> > > > > sometimes (but rarely) known for mystical abilities among other 
>> > > > > impressive traits. However, Saturn STILL ISN'T KETU. It prepares us 
>> > > > > for enlightenment, but in and of itself, it is not enlightenment. So 
>> > > > > essentially, what can we 'DO' to achieve enlightenment? From what 
>> > > > > I've learned, getting our consciousness to the point where we can 
>> > > > > handle Saturn's influence to its fullest extent is pretty much all 
>> > > > > we can do. However, it is important to note that most people are 
>> > > > > still stuck between Mercury, Venus and Mars. Those planets alone are 
>> > > > > kicking most people's
>> > > > > asses in this world. You add Jupiter and Saturn's influence on their 
>> > > > > daily schedule and people will start dropping like flies.
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > So, given the above explanation, you will probably understand my 
>> > > > > tone when I often ridicule the seriousness and intensity at which 
>> > > > > others in this world pursue enlightenment. I'm looking at that 
>> > > > > person and seeing clearly that they can barely handle the 
>> > > > > experiences of the lightweight planets (Sun,Mo, Me,Ve, and Ma). You 
>> > > > > give these people a dose of the heavyweight planets and you're 
>> > > > > talking PTSD for many of them. I often wonder why they think they're 
>> > > > > ready for enlightenment when they can barely even handle the really 
>> > > > > deep and heavy experiences in life first. In fact, many people 
>> > > > > obsessed with enlightenment downright avoid deep and heavy 
>> > > > > experiences to the extent of developing philosophies and paradigms 
>> > > > > that declare those experiences as being ignorant and unevolved. 
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > I know a contradictory attitude towards enlightenment is that anyone 
>> > > > > can become enlightened at anytime, it's just a matter of removing 
>> > > > > the ego from the driver's seat of our consciousness. Again, Sun is 
>> > > > > the ego, and Saturn/Rahu/Ketu are what prevents it from being in 
>> > > > > control. So essentially, whether someone will be able to let go of 
>> > > > > their ego is not something determined by their decisions or their 
>> > > > > will power, which is egotistic in the first place. It's almost like 
>> > > > > baking a recipe. You either have enough of a certain substance to 
>> > > > > counteract another substance, or you don't. In the same way, a 
>> > > > > person either has or hasn't lived enough lives to acquire the 
>> > > > > qualities of the Anti-ego planets (specifically Saturn) in order to 
>> > > > > let go of the ego, or they haven't. If they haven't, then no amount 
>> > > > > of time spent focusing on enlightenment will yield enlightenment. It 
>> > > > > would be like someone who can't even run a mile without stopping 
>> > > > > trying to compete for the
>> > > > > heavyweight title in boxing; they would get their ass kicked every 
>> > > > > time.
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > seekliberation
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > 
>> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > Thought I would offer this for purposes of discussion. These are 
>> > > > > > my own beliefs at this time:
>> > > > > > 
>> > > > > > From the teachings or musings if you will of people like Eckhart
>> > > > > > Tolle and Anita Moorjani, Adyashanti one has to believe that the 
>> > > > > > whole thing
>> > > > > > about enlightenment and the whole schtick that goes with it is 
>> > > > > > complete made up
>> > > > > > bullshit. 
>> > > > > > 
>> > > > > > Some meditation teachers like to teach that enlightenment is
>> > > > > > something that is achievable in this lifetime, but in truth it is 
>> > > > > > already here,
>> > > > > > covered over by egoic perception. Maharishi was particularly prone 
>> > > > > > to
>> > > > > > promulgate this idea that enlightenment was something to precious 
>> > > > > > and rare that
>> > > > > > needed to be pursued, to be chased, and he and teachers like him 
>> > > > > > do that to be
>> > > > > > able to get more people to buy their nosturms. 
>> > > > > > 
>> > > > > > But evidently what we have called 
>> > > > > > â€Å"enlightenment� is our
>> > > > > > natural state must by virtue of being, just by being. You 
>> > > > > > don’t have to go
>> > > > > > anywhere or do anything to become this 
>> > > > > > â€Å"state� of awareness or being, but 
>> > > > > > just
>> > > > > > be. It must mean that meditation and seeking will never lead to 
>> > > > > > the experience of
>> > > > > > enlightenment, and when most people talk about their enlightenment 
>> > > > > > they are
>> > > > > > referring to a fluctuating experience of consciousness.
>> > > > > > 
>> > > > > > This to me also means that the old Hindu stuff about having
>> > > > > > to spend countless lifetimes as plants, bugs, animals and so forth 
>> > > > > > until you â€Å"merit�
>> > > > > > a human body is also complete made up bullshit. Why would the 
>> > > > > > Infinite
>> > > > > > Magnificence, the Unlimited Love that we are choose to do that? I 
>> > > > > > can’t think
>> > > > > > of a reason.
>> > > > > > 
>> > > > > > Any thoughts folks?
>> > > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >

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