--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Xeno, I appreciate especially when you say below, "...the many 
> avenues by which it can enter..."  I'd never thought of placebo
> in that way.

Nor should you. Xeno is using the term so broadly and
loosely that it gets diluted to the point of

Lourdes is a reasonable example; people go there with the
expectation of being cured of a specific ailment, which
either occurs or does not occur.

Kumbh Mela is not, at least as the effects of attendance
were described in the study that started this discussion.

> Research on activities with spiritual themes historically have tended to
>  be sloppy with regard to evaluating the presence and strength of the 
> placebo effect, and the many avenues by which it can enter and confound 
> results.
> ________________________________
>  From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 4:35 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Study: Participating in MahaKumbh improves 
> physical and mental well-being
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> And from the official website of the Kumbh Mela:
> >>>> 
> >>>> "It's the mythological history of India and the sacred 
> >>>> religious texts that bind us carnal souls to an eternal 
> >>>> hope - things will be better, without the ever-imminent 
> >>>> fear of them getting worse that cripples us here. 'An 
> >>>> eternal life free of sins' is the promise that comes 
> >>>> attached with the magnificent event of Kumbh Mela. It's 
> >>>> a promise to which millions want to be bound with, and 
> >>>> it is this promise that has made Kumbh Mela what it is 
> >>>> today."
> >>> 
> >>> My bad. On second glance this does not appear to 
> >>> be any kind of "official" website, just one trying
> >>> to sell tours there. 
> >>> 
> >>> But it is downright silly to pretend that there are
> >>> no promises of benefits made about attending the
> >>> Kumbh Mela.
> >> 
> >> Sorry, no, you've stepped in it again. I never said
> >> there were "no promises of benefits made" about
> >> attending. And of course the fulfillment of the
> >> promise of "eternal life free of sins" is not one
> >> that was measured by the study. All it looked at
> >> was the reported well-being of the pilgrims after
> >> attending.
> >> 
> >> Nor did the study's conclusions aver that anything
> >> mystically spiritual happened to the pilgrims to
> >> improve their well-being. Rather, it was the communal
> >> experience that did it--very much like attending a
> >> ball game.
> >> 
> >> So you've gone out on a limb again, it snapped in
> >> two, and you've done yet another face-plant.
> >> 
> >> Everyody here knows that when you make an ass of
> >> yourself and someone points it out, you try to go
> >> after the person in an attempt to save face. Almost
> >> always, as in this case, you lose even *more* face.
> >> 
> >> This has happened to you countless times since I
> >> first encountered you 17 years ago, and you still
> >> haven't gotten that when you make a mistake, you'll
> >> look a whole lot better admitting it.
> >> 
> >> That's why it's such fun to correct you and watch
> >> you do it to yourself all over again, as if you
> >> somehow think it's going to be *different* this
> >> time.
> > 
> > And you know, you can tell when he is REALLY smarting because he drags out 
> > the shopworn DC moniker. That thing is so tatty, moth-eaten and ugly I 
> > don't know why he hasn't taken it to the dump years ago. But I guess if he 
> > did he would actually have to come up with something else he thinks will 
> > really get the women going. Barry is not exactly known for his expansive 
> > repertoire; he likes to stick with the tried and true.
> Ah. these jovial discussions. After all the research done on the placebo 
> effect, one can with fair confidence assume that in any situation where 
> people are either expecting a result, or are engaged in some activity in 
> which they have an invested belief, the placebo effect is probably operating 
> full blast. High quality studies done at NIH in the last ten years or so on 
> various alternative medicine treatments seem to indicate that it is entirely 
> the placebo effect that produces a result from these treatments. 
> We could expect the effect to operate where people are on pilgrimages to 
> various locations, such a Lourdes, etc., though proving it to any degree 
> would likely be difficult or impossible as a pilgrimage is a situation where 
> one cannot effectively apply scientific controls. Both sides of this 'debate' 
> are valid, as to causality. Research on activities with spiritual themes 
> historically have tended to be sloppy with regard to evaluating the presence 
> and strength of the placebo effect, and the many avenues by which it can 
> enter and confound results.
> Suppose one did a study on the effect of chewing gum flavours in a spiritual 
> community. If one of the flavours was Juicy Fruit and the other Lotus 
> Blossom, you would have to control for some sort of expectation: Juicy Fruit 
> might be associated in the mind, in memory, with baseball cards or crass, 
> commercial products one frequented with as a child,  hile a lotus is in some 
> quarters considered a spiritual symbol. One might reason, based on the way 
> placebos work, that in this case Juicy Fruit gum would have less placebo 
> effect than Lotus Blossom gum, and that male subjects would perceive these 
> products differently than women, and the study would have to initiate 
> controls for this possibility. 
> >> 
> >>> AND, for those who actually believe such promises,
> >>> there might be some "payoff," however imaginary or
> >>> moodmakey it might be in actuality. Whatever floats
> >>> yer boat. If you feel that bathing with millions of
> >>> other people in a vast river full of shit and corpses
> >>> is going to make you well or make you more spiritual,
> >>> maybe it will. Better that you should go there than me. 
> >>> 
> >>>> The "setup" for these pilgrims couldn't be more placebo
> >>>> if it were dispensed by a doctor in a white coat. But 
> >>>> it was good of the DC to demonstrate how little *she*
> >>>> knows about the placebo effect and how it works. :-)
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >

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