> Not being a teacher, just a simple meditator, I still 
> was lucky enough to witness/participate in a few pujas...
Most all hummans practice the art of puja around a hearth 
and most all humans meditate. 

Meditation is based on thinking and there's hardly a person 
who does not think. And, we're all transcending all the 
time, even without a specific technique.

Focusing on a specific object such as fire or a candle 
flame is a way to achieve a meditative state. By regulating
attention our ancestors were able to develop long-term 
memory and problem solving. 

And, by means of fire meditation our ancestors were able to 
make contingency plans which gave them an advantage over 
other archaic humans. Since good health is associated with 
meditation, it is obvious that the healthiest humans were 
those who meditated. 

Meditation is just what intelligent people do!

Read more:

'Spark of Genius'
Did fire influence the evolution of the human mind?
Smithsonian, December 2012

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