have to be careful in the misty fog

sitting on the lap of love [:D]
Diotima's love lap
supreme beauty itself
momentary in the mind –
fitful tracing of a portal
in the flesh  immortal
child of Penia and Poros
orders and exchanges for sacrifices
fills the space between,
  so that all is bound
  falling through
  caught over and over again
being the catcher
  (how does it happen that the world contains such a thing, which
ferments like a chaos or moulders like a rotten tree, and never grows to
ripeness?  How can Nature tolerate this sour grape among her sweet

  and amidst noise and commotion there staggers in Alcibiades, who is
roaring drunk:
`The dissonances of the world are like the quarrel of lovers.
Reconciliation is in the middle of conflict, and all that has been
divided finds itself again.'

"Oh, you wretches who feel all this, who, even as I, cannot allow
yourselves to speak of man's being here for a purpose, who, even as
I, are so utterly in the clutch of the Nothing that governs us, so
profoundly aware that we are born for nothing, that we love a nothing,
believe in nothing, work ourselves to death for nothing only that little
by little we may pass over into nothing—how can I help it if your
knees collapse when you think of it seriously?  Many a time have I, too,
sunk into these bottomless thoughts, and cried out: Why do you lay the
axe to my root, pitiless spirit?—and I am still here.'"

     —from Hyperion, or The Hermit in Greece, Volume I (1797;
translated from the German by Willard R. Trask)

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Be careful who you love, be careful what you do, because a lie becomes
the truth...
> Something's happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear, there's a
man with a gun over there...or maybe Mickey Mouse
> So Mickey went from Epic to Gangsta? What's next?
Da Epic Mickey gamez  put playerz behind a magic paint-brush wielde' by
da iconic mouse  hizzef, but dat isn't da bes' part… at leas'
not fo'Disney nerdz. No, da  post' mos' fan-pleasn' claim ta fame be
itz inspire' world, Wasteland.
A  twiste' take on traditional Veda Theme parkz? [:D]
> None for the other exists but surely each exists with every other each
> and eachness into oneness falls
> falling in love with all over and over
> with the fall
> not being careful
> why be careful
> silly carefulness
> when everyone is falling together
> me
> We're all just walking each other home.  So sayeth Ram Dass. 
And he should know (-:
> ________________________________
> snip

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