that is hilarious!

 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Trivia

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I know this is extremely trivial, but do you remember what was
> the best or most fun meal you ever had on a TM course or at a
> TM facility?

I've posted this before--maybe even twice--but it's
such a good story I'm going to haul it out again. It's
not about the meal itself but what happened during the
meal, so I figure it's close enough to what you asked

I was staying at the TM facility in Asbury Park some
years back; it was a pretty fancy hotel that the TMO
had bought and was running *as* a hotel for regular
guests, as well as housing various TM administrative
folks and course participants.

The TMers' food, all vegetarian, was prepared in the
downstairs kitchen, but there was a bigger kitchen
upstairs that cooked for the guests.

One night I was sitting at a table of TM-lifers during
dinner. The hotel was hosting a big Bar Mitzvah bash
upstairs. One of the MA-V technicians, a big galoot of
a guy with a heart of gold who regarded the
blissninnies with good-humored bepuzzlement, had gone
up to the guest kitchen to see if he could cadge some
real food from one of the cooking staff, a friend of

We were sitting there eating our lentils and rice and
curried cauliflower when he strolled back into the
dining room bearing a big platter. He came up to the
table and set down the platter, on which rested a
huge hunk of very rare steak.

You'd have thought there was a severed human hand on
the platter. The TM-lifers all gasped audibly, and one
of the more delicate of the ladies actually gave out
a little shriek. (This was totally spontaneous; these
folks probably hadn't even laid eyes on a piece of
meat for years, and that bloody slab must have been a
shocking sight.)

The poor MA-V tech stared at the horrified faces,
bewildered. Then everybody started laughing,
practically falling out of their chairs. We laughed
until we cried--including the MA-V guy, once he
realized folks weren't laughing at *him* but at their
own bizarre reaction to his dinner.

It was one of the best group laughs I've ever had the
pleasure to participate in.


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