--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> Christ on a crutch, dude, you act like this stuff happened last week, or last 
> year. You are dredging up stuff from 20 and 30 years ago! Its not that it 
> wasn't wrong then, its just that many of us have learned to live with what 
> life aims our way, and MOVE ON. Why continue to pick at the scab?? I just 
> don't get it. 
> You make this assumption that just because YOU can still stoke your  fires of 
> outrage over Maharishi and his org, after leaving thirty years ago, the ONLY 
> reason others can't is because we are apologists for the TM movement and 
> Maharishi.
> It is just total, and complete, bull crap. I had some really poor experiences 
> with the TM Org. but that comprised a relatively small part of my life. I 
> have many, many more interests than TM or spiritual practices, and whatever 
> happened with that organization that personally affected me negatively, I got 
> over it long ago. 
> You may want to do the same. One thing I recognized through my own 
> experience, is that by religiously opposing something, I not only remained 
> attached to it, but also became a victim of it, no matter how righteous the 
> cause felt at the time. Takes a lot of life's energy to fight something all 
> the time, especially by ineffectually opining and gossiping about it on an 
> internet forum. 
> Serious question: Don't you have anything better to do?

It has been suggested that the Turq is on someones payroll in his tireless 
crusade against the TMO. 

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