--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> > > > > I bleed for you guys. Geez, the abuses and harm and just 
> > > > > plain Medieval TORTURE you, and Barry, and MJ have suffered 
> > > > > at the hands of the TMO and Maharishi!!! OMG, The Holocaust 
> > > > > pales in comparison!
> > > > > 
> > > > > BROKEN SOULS!!! Good GOD, what was I thinking?!?!  
> > > > 
> > > > Cognitive dissonance. Fascinating.
> > > 
> > > And almost completely unaware of it. All while
> > > considering himself enlightened. 
> > > 
> > > Hasn't it been fascinating to see the TMers'
> > > refusal to deal with the actual issue here, and
> > > their utter reliance on "Kill the messenger"
> > > demonization instead?
> > 
> > Yes, you probably can tell you're in a cult when you 
> > make excuses for the people ripping you off.
> I haven't seen anybody here making excuses for the
> people ripping them off. Did I miss some posts, or
> what?

Must have done.
> What I've found fascinating in this discussion is
> the *disproportion* between the gigantic fuss the
> three of you are making of the fact that the TMers
> haven't responded to salyavin's tale of woe the way
> you think we should have, and the minimal objections
> a couple of TMers have made to the griping. That
> disproportion is what DrD was satirizing and what I
> twitted Barry about.

Gigantic fuss? Griping?

I'm just trying to provoke a reaction as I'm curious as 
to what FFLers would have said and done at the time. 
It would hardly be a tale of woe to you if you had donated
would it? I suspect this sort of belittling language comes 
from the  same place as Nabby's refusal to accept that it
even happened.

So what would you have done Judy? Seriously, put
yourself in my place, on a rounding course and
suddenly on the receiving end of a slick PR pitch
with no purpose other than to relieve you of $50,000
for something guaranteed never to happen by a so-called
spiritual group you probably thought was the dogs 
bollocks up to that point. 

> Not a thing wrong, as far as I'm concerned, with
> salyavin having brought up the fundraising on that
> course, or with the three of you griping about it.
> But you all seem to be even more outraged that the
> TMers haven't all chimed in and denounced the TMO
> than you've been over the original offense.

I think you are dreaming here, as I've said most people
kept quite and kept their heads down to save getting in 
trouble, like having a "negative" opinion is a bad thing.

> Could it possibly be that some of the CPs on that
> course were enjoying it and simply didn't *want* to
> spoil their experience by getting into an outraged
> frame of mind at that point, TMO or no TMO?

Is that how people work? I don't think so, people would
complain about the food or the heating in the flying room
as loudly as they could. And, as I have pointed out, it
was discussed over dinner. Mostly by my instigation and 
with most people either making excuses or refusing to get 

> Salyavin, to your knowledge, did anybody commit
> themselves to donate *during that course*?

No idea, but most of us were there for ages and if Doug
Henning hadn't inconsiderately gone and died a week or so
after the pitch maybe they would have. The smarmy PR guy had
a lot of phone numbers of the wealthy on the course who had
expressed an interest, not sure whether my deconstruction
of his dividend projections due to misleading questions
in the public research put anyone off, I sure hope so.
I used to work as a media analyst for a PR company, I knew
all the tricks.

Man, I must have driven everyone crazy on that course!
Whatever the subject I'd have a well argued alternative.
When the jyotishees came to rip everyone off, sorry - to
do thoughtful and accurate personality readings and life
projections - it was me who pointed out he was telling
everyone the same things, and a load of crap at that!
I got everyone on our table at dinner deciding he must 
just be a bad jyotishee but he was billed as Marshy's 
favourite! What a joker.

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