{snip} I would hate to be forced to use Emily as a human shield; she may
not be as clueless as I am, but I'm sure she's a lot more cynical (smiley face).

Dear Bob, my "shield of human-ness" has taken a lot of hits of late and I am 
trying on a new reality - that of emulating Share's approach to me and all 
others' she has determined are exhibiting negativity - particularly of the 
nasty and sniping variety.  I found this treasure tonight (under the heading 
Auric Shield) on an internet healing site, so I know that it has a lot of 
"street cred."  Share has mastered this technique and I think she may have 
written these exact words, in fact (the ones in the first paragraph.) 

What this means is for me is: no more attempts to creatively insult; no more 
cynicism or irony; no helping others help themselves with pseudo-insightful 
observations; no more self-serving, creepy humor.  Now, you must realize, I've 
been practicing and learning all these important skills right here, but I have 
seen the gemstone of therapeutic wonderment and have had a change of being.  

The "heart on the sleeve" shield I have been using is covered in blood spatter 
and must go in for repair; the breaches in my security resulted in dramatics of 
grandiose proportions over the holidays (Share, poor woman, had to weather the 
bulk of my distress); I have been kicked out of the inner circle of my favorite 
cute (I mean "cult") leader, who has apparently retired to the sandy beaches of 
somewhere for more introspection.   

I am going to visualize an auric shield, as described below (paragraph 2) and 
go forth into the wide world of wonderfulness; it is an apt consequence to my 
many irritating digressions from love and logic that FFL so patiently and 
compassionately allowed me to display, as I flailed and wallowed my way back, 
these past 2 years, to a state where I believe that I may be able to "act as 
if," if the knowingness of my first person ontology fails me at any given time. 

My astrological chart tells me that February is the month for me to move to the 
front lines, go where the action is, feel the fear and do it anyway, take up 
drawing, unpack the clothes, become accountable, raise my standards, take care 
of business, etc., etc., etc. 

I guess I say all this to say that my recovery from cluelessness and cynicism 
is likely to be of painfully long duration, but I am confident that my auric 
shield will protect us both, and I promise that "when you call my name, I will 
be there" (I do tend to run a bit late, but I'll work on that too), to distract 
and dramatize as needed.  Love, Emily.  


I have been working on the ability to remain unaffected by and not absorb 
negative words or negative energies of other people.
One way I have been doing this is by simply not responding to comments that 
annoy me. By not dignifying the comment with a reply or a defense, I can keep 
my stress levels lower. Of course, this is not easy, and it takes a lot of 

The other way is through creating an auric shield. To do this, I imagine my 
aura growing, expanding, and sparkling. It is a protective bubble that I 
envision, through which negativity simply cannot penetrate."

> From: Bob Price <bobpri...@yahoo.com>
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 6:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopia
>From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 2:21:14 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopia
>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> On 01/30/2013 12:52 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
>> > 
>> > "The Killing" was SO much better in its Danish original
>> > that it makes the American remake pale by comparison,
>> > and I actually *liked* the remake...for what it was.
>> >
>> > The best TV series I saw last year, "The Bridge," or
>> > "Bron/Broen," also from Denmark, looks as if it will
>> > never get an American release. Instead they are going
>> > to remake it. I shudder to imagine the result. Both
>> > of these series were *enormous* hits in the UK,
>> > although subtitled.
>> >
>> > The thing is, the American networks somehow believe
>> > that Americans are too stupid to follow even the Brit
>> > accents in English-language UK series (and they might
>> > be right), so they remake *them*, too. This one ("Utopia")
>> > is quite interesting, at least judging by the first
>> > episode that I just watched. You'd really enjoy it. A
>> > pity that it will probably be remade for the US market
>> > as well...
>> The American general public unless it's PBS or BBC America 
>> can't tolerate accents much at all. So the remakes. Yup, 
>> dumbing down for the stupid. They don't like subtitles 
>> either so "The Killing" got a remake. 
>People are going to think I'm being cynical when I 
>say this, but I really don't think I am. I believe
>that the primary reason that subtitled movies have
>lost their market in the US is that many Americans,
>as many as 50-60%, simply can't read well enough
>or fast enough to enjoy a subtitled movie. 
>As a committed member of the great unwashed, is it me or did one the above 
>who appears to watch television a lot, call Danish an accent; and another
>informant, who also appears to watch a lot of TV, not only agreed, but also
>informed us that the reason viewers in America won't watch programming with
>Danish accents is that they can't read well enough? 
>As a side bar, I consulted my thesaurus and for the life of me I couldn't find
>"cynical" as a synonym for *clueless*.
>Now, Share Long, if I've been ironic inadvertently, behaved like an attention 
>vampire, or,
>much worse---violated the bounds of Whimsical Wednesday, please don't come
>after me, as I would hate to be forced to use Emily as a human shield; she may
>not be as clueless as I am, but I'm sure she's a lot more cynical (smiley 

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