> > What good would vilifying him do, Michael? You appear
> > to enjoy wallowing in your outrage, but you won't be
> > satisfied until everyone else is wallowing in it too.
> Yeah Michael, how dare you keep introducing uncomfortable
> topics to try and work out the whole story about Marshy! 
> Anyone would think this was a TM discussion forum the way 
> you carry on...
You won't be finding out much from Barry or Michael, 
since they got booted out of the TMO years ago, and 
neither of them seem are in a cult now, or even 

Barry doesn't really want to talk about Rama - to 
embarrasing, I guess. Go figure.

"Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective 
thinking whereby one tends to notice and to look 
for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore,
not look for, or undervalue the relevance of what 
contradicts one's beliefs."

> > It isn't as if there's anything we can do about it now.
> > With politicians and banksters, if enough people become
> > sufficiently infuriated, it could facilitate positive
> > change. But Maharishi, he daid.
> And we'd all rather keep pretending the self-created myth
> was true thank you very much, so quit your wallowing and
> appreciate the good things we got like world peace and
> perfect health...
> > And as far as politicians and banksters are concerned,
> > unlike Maharishi, they haven't given us much of anything
> > of value. That doesn't excuse the bad stuff he did, but
> > at least with him there are two sides to the ledger.

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