On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Ravi Chivukula

> White Indian..LOL, anyway a plain ol' dark skinned Indian here MJ and
> mantras are so lame and boring. I would fall asleep - I found more joy in
> singing and dancing, I still do. The last time I chanted a whole 108 times
> because ah, a White Indian/Hindu I loved asked me to and there was no way
> in hell I was going to say no to her.

Heck, I could have tapped into my Brahmin genes, composed a whole 108 names
in her praise and chant it daily for the rest of the eternity.

Repressed and perverted Hindus say that the world is Maya - what bullshit.

Of what use is the intensely subjective love I feel if I cannot objectively
express it to a woman in the context of a intimate, personal, meaningful

Oh no I love Maya - I love the objective world where I can express my
subjectivity - my own unique expression.

So yeah I am all for chanting as long as it's not for some fantasized God
or Goddess.

> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:35 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com <
> no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> **
>> I'll answer this as a white "Indian", if that is OK -- Maharishi drilled
>> the point into our heads ceaselessly, that his was a reconfiguration of
>> knowledge already present.
>> He found that by invoking these mantras mentally, using the TM technique,
>> the results were both far stronger, and longer lasting than vocalizing the
>> mantras. In addition, his technique can be practiced by those in the West.
>> As to being taught that the mantras are meaningless sounds, they are,
>> unless one lives God Realization. Better to let the students realize the
>> *meaning* of the mantra, over time.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
>> >
>> > Spent some time talking to someone who was close to Marshy (a former
>> governor) and was told that the TM mantras are not meaningless Vedic
>> sounds, they are Hindu mantras and the practice of TM is actually a Hindu
>> devotional practice of chanting the names of aspects of Goddess. He also
>> said that contrary to what we were were told, in India people speak these
>> bija mantras out loud, sing them to the skies if they so desired. Thoughts
>> on the matter?
>> >

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