Wow, this is the first time I've heard of Sanatana Dharma.  Thanks for posting. 
 Also enjoyed your post comparing body to a car.  I've often thought that if we 
knew in advance how much maintenance our vehicle would need, we might not 
purchase it in the first place (-:

And about TM distracting people from becoming movers and shakers...I thought it 
was the other way around.  That it's the world of movers and shakers that's a 
distraction.  Sometimes I think 200% of life might have been Maharishi's most 
revolutionary idea.

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Question for the Indians on FFL

On 02/11/2013 07:27 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Spent some time talking to someone who was close to Marshy (a former 
> governor) and was told that the TM mantras are not meaningless Vedic sounds, 
> they are Hindu mantras and the practice of TM is actually a Hindu devotional 
> practice of chanting the names of aspects of Goddess. He also said that 
> contrary to what we were were told, in India people speak these bija mantras 
> out loud, sing them to the skies if they so desired. Thoughts on the matter?

I think you referred to me as being "Indian" but I'm unless there is 
some Indian blood on paternal grandfather's side.  He was a bit dark 
though from Switzerland.  Bhairitu is a "Hindi-ized" homonym made up to 
avoid confusion years years ago on a.m.t.  Kind of a joke.

You should recall that MMY said that Hinduism is not a religion but a 
philosophy called Sanatana Dharma.  It was the Arabs who thought Indians 
were practicing some sort of religion.  The "gods" are just 
personifications of forces of nature.  The personification was done to 
simplify this understanding of physics for simple folks.   The mantras 
are associated with these "gods" because they resonate with the effect 
of these forces of nature.  The whole thing is really a science but that 
twiddles the minds of the "wind up toys" known as "human beings" that 
associate "science" with test tubes, electronic meters, etc. :-D


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