--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> I sincerely hope that when this young man is not meditating or eating fruit 
> he is studying to be an engineer or a software designer or something like 
> that. A "poor, reclusive" life for a 23-year-old does not sound very 
> promising. 

Yep, but that's exactly what we did when we joined the movement. According to 
you, there couldn't have been a Buddha or Jesus Christ. Why did the Buddha 
leave his fathers kingdom to become a monk and meditate? He could have just 
stayed at home and become something reasonable. Or Jesus, why did he have to go 
to the desert for 40 days to have visitations of gods and the devil? He could 
have just stayed home and become an honorable carpenter. He could have built 
nice homes and furniture for the community he lived in and probably also lived 
a bit longer.

And feste, since you seem so genuinely concerned about the societal wellbeing, 
you should also give note to this guy here, he could become a software 
engineer, go to silicon valley and get some taint.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > e-mail received on the side..
> > [paste:]
> > "Here is a story/happening, I thought you would enjoy:
> > .
> > A young boy of 23 in Fairfield, contacted me about a month ago asking to 
> > receive Swamiji's initiation.  He came to FF about 5 years ago, took the TM 
> > initiation, and also the Siddhas, which he has been practicing 
> > until...........
> > 
> > About a year ago he was at the library and saw this big book called 
> > "Swamiji's Treasures"  He took it home and read it very quickly.  Within a 
> > very short time, he was doing Swamiji's meditation.....4 hours a day! and 
> > has taken Swamiji as his Guru.  He has watched all the youtubes of Swamiji, 
> > and read everything of Swamiji from searching online.  He knew Swamiji was 
> > his Guru, but wanted to "seal the contract" by receiving the actual 
> > initiation from one of Swamiji's devotees. He looked online and saw my name 
> > and made the contact.  The initiation took place.
> > 
> > Afterwards, he joined me in a "Mass feeding" of kitchari and lots of 
> > Swamiji's storys.  My friend stopped by.  So the Mass Feeding turned into 
> > 3! and lots more storys of Swamiji.  It was a lovely afternoon filled with 
> > love of the Guru.
> > 
> > He lives now a very simple poor reclusive life (mainly a fruitarian) with 
> > at least 4 hours meditation a day.  I have contacted him a few times to 
> > come over and be fed (he's now about 2 blocks from me)
> > 
> > So with, or without us................people all over the world and even 
> > TMer's in Fairfield are coming to the Holy Feet of Shri Swamiji.
> > 
> > Blessing and love" 
> > [end paste]
> >

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