"Although it would seem at first a minor item, one of the most
troublesome issues in undertaking the editing of our work has been
the establishing of a consistent policy for capitalization of words. The
normal procedure of reserving such usage for proper names, the Deity and His 
immediate attributes is brought to a sorry dilemma
in a work which has as its major thesis the unity of all creation.

This matter is made even more puzzling by the subtle fashion
in which writers gradually draw the consciousness of the
reader from the concept of The Unified Field in Its unmanifest states to those
stages of development in which the individualized soul is apparently furthest 
from realizing his essential eternal oneness with The Field.
A strictly rational policy on capitalizations during such a progression of 
development, ending in a final re t u rn to full union with the
Being, is apparently unobtainable, and therefore the editors have
adopted the more feasible usage of capitalizing the Deity and His
immediate attributes, and thereafter have used capitals primarily for the sake 
of emphasis and helping the reader to distinguish readily between conditions 
associated with the higher as contrasted
with the more gross planes (i.e., E n e rgy of the subtle planes compared to 
nuclear energy)."

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