Hey Doc,

Sometime in this past week I read one of your responses on a thread. I forget 
the thread now. But I recall the essence of your response. (I couldn't respond 
at the time because I had carpal tunnel surgery this past Monday, 2/18, and 
wasn't able to really type and now can't remember where you commented. Sorry 
bout that.)

Anyhoo...you stated something to the effect that a person's experience when 
under the influence of a psychedelic drug mirrored that person's internal 
state. (Again, going by memory ... so if I mis-understood, please correct me.)

In my experience that isn't always true. An example would be the drug/herb 
jimson weed. Every experience I've ever read/heard has always been horrid 
hallucinations. (I danced with jimson weed when I was 15 years old and can 
atest to its horrors.)

As far as other psychedelics, they each had their own nuance in my experiences. 
For example: Mescaline often made me laugh a lot. MDA made me horny. LSD 
afforded psychedelic sensory distortions.

I'm of the opinion that different chemicals evoke various hormones (or 
whatevers) to respond...and thus a certain drugs/herbs can cause bad effects 
(bad trips) or good effects (good trips). 

I do think whatever one experiences within the good trip or the bad trip comes 
from somewhere in the person's psyche...but the drug used helps determine if 
what is pulled from the psyche is pleasurable or not pleasurable. (Hope that 
makes sense.) 

Eventually all my trips tuck a turn toward the dark side, which was probably a 
blessing because I gave up tripping. Hmmm....that is when I turned to TM by the 
way. Ha. 


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