--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> I really don't think it matters what you call it.  I mean, in some way,
> by some means, you got what you deserved.  And I do believe that, to be
> a law of nature, or a law of karma, which I do believe in.

Here is the thing: what can look fortuitous in the moment, what appears to be 
the fulfillment of our current desires and which comes about, much to our 
delight, could end up being extremely disastrous in the end. We might be 
thrilled we won a Ferrari in the lottery but we end up dying in a fiery crash 
in it, whereas if we had bought the 15 year old beat up VW Beetle we would 
still be alive today. Life is very complex, and it stretches off in time, into 
a future that we can't predict or know. But we may be crowing like happy little 
roosters in the meantime. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > So what do you guys think? After all, the hardcore TBs here *can't*
> > admit that I had "support of nature" on my side, because I'm
> > so...so...evil and Off The Program and all. So that's right out. They
> > also can't admit that I in any way "deserve" it, because some of them
> > believe (and at least one has even said) that what I "deserve" is a
> long
> > stretch in hell for all the things I've said about TM and the TMO and
> > Maharishi. So I'm curious as to what they ascribe my good fortune
> *TO*.
> >
> > Me, I'll stick with Just Good Luck. I've had that going for me all my
> > life, and in spades. By rights, given the dice-roll of chance, I
> should
> > have been dead twenty times over or living under a bridge somewhere,
> but
> > noooooooo. Instead I've had a remarkably fortunate life. No
> complaints.
> > NONE.
> >
> > So what do you think is UP with that?
> >
> > It pretty much can't be the benevolence of gods or goddesses or Woo
> Woo
> > Wiseguys looking after me from on high, because I bloody well don't
> > believe in them. It's not a "growing integration of mind and body"
> from
> > TM or the TMSP, because I don't believe in that, either, and don't
> > practice either.
> >
> > I'm gonna go with Dumb Luck, and enjoy my time in the Marais. It's a
> > vibrant, lively scene, with lots of wonderful cafes and restaurants
> and
> > clubs, and close to a lot of evening entertainment. Some here of the
> > homophobic persuasion might not like it because it's also a big gay
> > area, but that never bothered me in Sitges (40% gay) and won't in the
> > Marais, either. It'll be a bit longer of a commute to work than I
> > wanted, but on a straight Metro line -- no changes -- so that's OK
> with
> > me.
> >
> > All in all, I'm jazzed. And suspect that I will continue to be while
> > there, literally, because I'll be down the street from one of Paris'
> > oldest jazz clubs, where Miles and Coltrane and others played. I'm
> > still, in fact, a little incredulous, hardly believing in my own Dumb
> > Luck, but it does seem to be happening, so cool.
> >
> > Even if some of you manage to convince me that this is all really due
> to
> > "support of nature," that won't make it any cooler. Dumb Luck seems to
> > work just as well for me as TMers' "support of nature" does for them,
> > and it certainly costs less, both in terms of cash and the amount of
> > belief-baggage one has to carry around.
> >

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