On 03/11/2013 12:49 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 03/11/2013 11:59 AM, John wrote:
>>> Like it or not, this is the next fad for the internet.
>>> http://www.upi.com/blog/2013/03/10/Seattle-dive-bar-bans-Google-glasses/9881362922347/?spt=mps&or=1
>> I have a Swann pen camera. Looks just like any other nice ballpoint
>> pen. Push the button on top and it starts recording video. Didn't
>> cost $1500 either (of course by the time Glass is available to the
>> public it'll may be only $200). It cost $20 after rebate. Records
>> video (640x480) and audio. They have an HD version for a little
>> more.
> Small world. I have a Schwanstucker 1000, which is not a
> pen but IS pen-is mounted, and also records in full HD.
> The results are far less interesting than you'd imagine...
> :-)
> As for Google Glass, can you *imagine* the pathology of
> someone who needs to be THAT "connected" to the Net?

The pen HD version was on sale recently for about the same price at the 
local "candy store" (Frys).  But for my uses the SD version is just 
fine.  Look, these companies think up X amount of projects every year 
then senior management decides which ones will get funded.  Glass was 
one of these but Google TV in both incarnations have flopped so far and 
one would think they would have been more successful than Glass.  So 
Glass may flop too.  As for being connected to the Internet, I've had 
Android phones for over 4 years but forget sometimes to do thing I could 
do with it such as someone recommending someone and then me not thinking 
about entering it on something even via voice.   But the 20 
somethings.... :-D

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