On 03/11/2013 01:34 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> On 03/11/2013 11:59 AM, John wrote:
>>>>> Like it or not, this is the next fad for the internet.
>>>>> http://www.upi.com/blog/2013/03/10/Seattle-dive-bar-bans-Google-glasses/9881362922347/?spt=mps&or=1
>>>> I have a Swann pen camera. Looks just like any other nice
>>>> ballpoint pen. Push the button on top and it starts
>>>> recording video. Didn't cost $1500 either (of course by
>>>> the time Glass is available to the public it'll may be
>>>> only $200). It cost $20 after rebate. Records video
>>>> (640x480) and audio. They have an HD version for a little
>>>> more.
>>> Small world. I have a Schwanstucker 1000, which is not a
>>> pen but IS pen-is mounted, and also records in full HD.
>>> The results are far less interesting than you'd imagine...
>>> :-)
>>> As for Google Glass, can you *imagine* the pathology of
>>> someone who needs to be THAT "connected" to the Net?
>> Did you ever watch the Predator with Arnold S.?
> I did, enough times that I'm tempted to reply because
> I honestly don't get the connection to that movie you
> seem to see. Please explain it to me. My memory may
> be faulty.
> Per Ahnold, I actually have a cool story about him.
> Please don't take this wrong, because I actually like
> Ahnold in many of his screen roles. But, living in LA
> as I did at the time, I once wound up sitting next to
> him in a Westwood movie theater, watching "Body Heat."
> You kinda have to have seen the movie to get this,
> but when it was over Ahnold turned to his girlfriend
> and had to have her explain the movie to him. He didn't
> get it. I'm willing to cut Ahnold some slack as regards
> possible language difficulties at that time of his
> career, but not being able to "get" what happened in
> "Body Heat?" So NOT the sharpest pencil in the box.
> As for Google Glass, I'm more than willing to expand
> upon my earlier rap. Yeah, it's WAY cool. Neat toy.
> But to imagine oneself *needing* it, or even *wanting*
> it on a regular basis, that I definitely view as
> verging on the pathological.
> Every day in Europe I watch people walk around lost in
> their mobiles. Mobile technology has created a group of
> people who don't have to think twice while navigating
> their way through a heavy marketday crowd without ever
> looking up from their mobiles. They admirably manage
> to navigate fairly well, only bumping into every other
> person. But still, being that lost in the Net, as
> opposed to looking up and seeing the wonder of what
> is going on all around them on a Dutch market day?
> Now imagine the impact of Google Glass. Hordes of folks
> walking along the same street, but now looking up, as
> if they were actually paying attention to the people
> passing them by. But alas, they're not. They're talking
> to their glasses, and telling them to look up the
> Facebook profile of the person they just told their
> Google Glass to photograph as they walked by.
> It's cyborg city, and this may mark me as an olde fart,
> but I'm SO not ready to dwell that much in cyberspace.
> I'm still down with looking up, mobile device-free, and
> just interacting with what and who I pass in the streets.

Glass is also not going to work well for people who wear glasses.  I 
also wonder about the focus problem (try focusing on the rim of your 
glasses) and I suspect might even cause vision disorders.  But like I 
say it might be as big a success as Google TV.

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