--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I was going to second Steve's post but I guess I would rather address you 
> > directly Robin since I am so tight with "reality" that if she dies tonight 
> > on the car ride home CSI would convict me on DNA evidence alone.
> > 
> > From the outset your mission with Share has been unfriendly and she has 
> > done a pretty good job of handling herself considering that you are just 
> > letting her have it with both barrels about herself, uninvited.  It reminds 
> > me of our conversations which followed the same arc, although I at lest got 
> > some flowers and chocolates at the door before the assault. 
> > 
> > "You would make Share's post into some devastating counterpunch."
> > 
> > You have used similar metaphors of competition in our conversations and I 
> > am seeing a pattern. The issue is that you seem to believe, perhaps 
> > sincerely, that you have a better insight into some posters here than they 
> > do of themselves.  And when they reject this assumption, (as any adult 
> > would), you act as if you are in a fight to make them see themselves 
> > through your unflattering lens.
> > 
> > Why would we? You may be thinking that your "insight" is more valuable than 
> > it is.  And having been the focus of your unasked for improvement sessions 
> > myself, I have to say that you aren't that perceptive Robin. And perhaps 
> > you are in person, so you have developed an unnaturally high self-regard 
> > about this ability, but it isn't cutting it here.  You have been running a 
> > formula and it is increasingly obvious.
> > 
> > So that is my opinion and I don't need to word flood you about it or repeat 
> > it a million times.  I've made my point and as a fellow adult I suspect you 
> > will just blow it all off as me being me.
> Me, I'm gonna stick with my three-word description of
> the guy, which I think explains it all, and in the
> least possible number of words: Narcissistic Personality
> Disorder, in spades. OK, that was five words. :-)
> People here must be really, Really, REALLY masochistic
> to put up with this kinda abuse by continuing to read
> and respond to this asshole's crap. My suggestion is 
> that people would have to shower less if they just 
> ignored him like the pisshole in otherwise new and 
> pristine snow he is.

A few things I will give you Barry:
You are very, very consistent
Your words bludgeon, they never, ever caress
Whatever it is you manage to do when you write you repel as opposed to draw 
You reduce things to the lowest common denominator 
You would have made a terrible surgeon
You would have never made a ballet dance
Your repertoire needs an overhaul


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