> > Me, I'm gonna stick with my three-word description of
> > the guy, which I think explains it all, and in the
> > least possible number of words: Narcissistic Personality
> > Disorder, in spades. OK, that was five words. :-)
> > 
> > People here must be really, Really, REALLY masochistic
> > to put up with this kinda abuse by continuing to read
> > and respond to this asshole's crap. My suggestion is 
> > that people would have to shower less if they just 
> > ignored him like the pisshole in otherwise new and 
> > pristine snow he is.
> >
> A few things I will give you Barry:
> You are very, very consistent
> Your words bludgeon, they never, ever caress
> Whatever it is you manage to do when you write you 
> repel as opposed to draw people 
> You reduce things to the lowest common denominator 
> You would have made a terrible surgeon
> You would have never made a ballet dance
> Your repertoire needs an overhaul
One thing you need to keep in mind, Ann, is that
most of the posters on this list, such as Barry,
Curtis, and Robin, ARE the 'TMO', in contrast to
the rank and file 'TMers' posting here. Do you see
any aspects of the TMO management style in the
words of Barry, Robin, and Curtis? 

It's all about Barry, Robin and Curtis. Go figure.

So, it seems to me as a casual observer, that 
those who chose NOT to become TM teachers - Judy, 
Lawson, and others, just keep trying to bring the 
conversation back to understanding the mechanics 
of consciousness. LoL!

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