--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> No it's not being miserable dear Share - it's disgust, pure contempt
for vile, vindictive liars and your partner in crime 7R27 - a man who
can't answer simple questions of mine and rather resorts to slander -
totally devoid of any integrity, intelligence.
Ravi, Ravi, Ravi.  God love ya Ravi.  Should I,  as an act of mercy
respond to this silly demand of yours.  Between you and Robin, sheeesh,
a guy can't have a moment of peace around here.
Ravi, this emulating Robin, in this regard at least, is just not going
to work.  Just chill out a bit.  Relax.  Go to a club.  Do some
shopping.  Smell the sandalwood.  I don't know, do something.  But
please give me a pass on the Q&A.  I just can't bring myself to start
taking tests again.

> Robin has explained irony in detail - you are too corrupted, muddled
by your sentimentality to understand it. The basic concept is this - you
approach someone with sincerity and when you realize the person doesn't
get it - for example a sick, corrupted person like you or that
slandering retarded friend of yours you are then forced to switch to
Well, it's an exclusive club you belong to, Ravi.  The RWC Mutual
Admiration Society.  I suppose Judy is the President, and you are the
Secretary.  Not sure who the treasurer would be.
> It's beautiful - I love Robin when he does that. The beauty of his
irony, you will never get it but that won't stop you from lying,
twisting and manipulating - would it dear Share?
Maybe it's time to come up with a RWC Concordance.
> On Apr 17, 2013, at 11:52 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
> > Ravi, the first week you were in San Diego, you sounded happy.  But
the longer you stay there, the more miserable you sound.  And sadly
you've just about totally lost your sense of humor.  I hope your project
there ends soon and you can return home and be happy again.
> >
> > BTW I agree that Robin does not have to dumb down his brilliance for
anyone and I think that many of us feel the beauty of his words
sometimes.  I'm talking about the other times when one needs a buzzsaw
to cut through the jungle of words and phrases to get to the conceptual
oasis.  And don't even get me started on the Irony!  For that one needs
as reading assistant, the two headed Hydra, one head parsing for the
straight forward meaning and one for the Descartian doubt technique
> >
> >
> > From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
> > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:28 PM
> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: parsing a la Descartes was HITLER'S
> >
> >
> > OMG - hilarious stuff dear Share - what a clueless, dishonest person
you are. Judy has exposed your lies several times - yet you are
unwilling, unable to see it.
> >
> > No - Robin doesn't have to dumb down his brilliance for you, Barry,
LG and Steve, all you need is a dictionary, a heart to feel the beauty
of his words.
> >
> > I will get to your garbage when I have some time.
> >
> >
> > On Apr 17, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> laughinggull I want to say that sometimes I find Robin's writing
simple and clear.  But very often I find it unclear and voluminous which
for me adds up to unreadable.  IMO Judy demonstrates a certain kind of
co dependent arrogance every time she berates people for not getting off
their butts, putting in the effort, etc. to understand Robin's writing. 
Other posters here manages many times to be both clear AND profound. 
Why can't Robin?  Ok, ok, people have a right to have their unique
voice.  And I actually enjoy all the different writing styles.  But if a
person wants to be understood, wouldn't they make an attempt to write
more clearly for their audience?  Especially given that at other times
they are able to do so?
> >>
> >>
> >> From: laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> >> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:25 AM
> >> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: parsing a la Descartes was HITLER'S
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" authfriend@
> >> >
> >> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > Aw shucks, dumbass, I was rooting for ya not only that you
> >> > > *would* do it but *could* do it...very similar to the "dog
> >> > > ate my homework". Well, Steve, it'll remain in the holy
> >> > > archives that you *did* try, just as others here have
> >> > > asked those "in the know" to interpret the writings of you
> >> > > know who.
> >> >
> >> > Uh-oh, LG, you're going the route of the other prevaricators
> >> > around here. One of their tricks is not to use names, which
> >> > they think makes it safe for them to seriously distort an
> >> > incident in which these pseudo-anonymous folks have been
> >> > involved, making it sound shifty.
> >>
> >> My purposeful removal of names, as in this case, was so as not to
bring more attention to those that probably crave it.
> >>
> >> > We know who "you know who" is, of course. But "others here"
> >> > refers to Xeno and "those 'in the know'" refers to me.
> >>
> >> "Others here" now includes Steve, and also includes me as I've
asked Robin on at least one occasion to explain in language that I can
understand without all the other stuff that merely confuses the point he
is making. "In the know" now includes dumbass, and might also include
Ann, RD, and Emily who on several occasions have indicated that they
understand what he has written.
> >>
> >> > Here's what really happened: Xeno demanded that I interpret
> >> > some post of Robin's *in order to prove* that I understood
> >> > him, and I refused to do any interpreting on that basis. I
> >> > considered it insulting, given that I had already spent a
> >> > huge amount of time explaining Robin to people (including
> >> > Xeno) who couldn't take the time to read his posts, or at
> >> > least to put any effort into absorbing what he had said.
> >> >
> >> > > The evidence seems to be leaning towards nobody really
> >> > > knows what he's talking about.
> >> >
> >> > No, there's no such evidence. I think what you mean is
> >> > that *you* have trouble understanding him. We know he
> >> > confuses Steve and Xeno and Barry and Share as well, but
> >> > the five of you aren't everybody.
> >>
> >> You are correct...I have great trouble understanding him.
> >>
> >> > Too bad as I was really
> >> > > hoping that we had a saint in our midst.
> >> >
> >> > Well, that was pretty silly, wasn't it? You know, since
> >> > Robin himself would be the first person to discourage the
> >> > notion. Nor did DrD suggest such a thing. Robin is
> >> > REEEEEELY REEEEELY smart, but he ain't no saint.
> >>
> >> That was the final snarky jab there. While maybe not a saint, I'm
always hoping I can learn something from everyone who comments here.
> >>
> >> > Also, it appears neither you nor Steve read what DrD
> >> > wrote with attention. He was suggesting that folks try
> >> > validating his analysis of Robin's writing for themselves,
> >> > not offering to do it for them.
> >> >
> >> > Hmm, now I'm beginning to see what's behind this. You and
> >> > Steve don't want to risk the attempt, because if you tried
> >> > and couldn't see what DrD describes, you'd be hesitant to
> >> > report your failure lest it appear that it was due to your
> >> > lack of comprehension, rather than DrD's analysis being
> >> > faulty.
> >> >
> >> > So your cowardice in this regard leads you to imply that
> >> > DrD and I have been posturing and that Robin has said
> >> > nothing of any significance.
> >> >
> >> > I would expect that kind of craven maneuver from Steve.
> >> > I'm surprised to see you engaging in it, LG.
> >>
> >> It's not deliberate by any means but rather arises from a sense of
frustration in not being about to understand what someone is writing.
BTW, Robin's not the only one whose writing I don't get. I'm open to
understanding but none of you are helping other than to say get off your
ass, put some work into it, or provide links to the posts so we can go
back and read them again. Don't you see how circular this is? And your
explanations are by no means succinct nor easy to understand.
> >>
> >> Perhaps one of my motives *is* to prove you wrong but for the life
of me, I don't know why. I guess I have some work ahead.
> >>
> >> > The really interesting thing is that Robin isn't all that
> >> > hard to understand for those willing to put a little effort
> >> > into it.
> >>
> >> But is the effort worth the reward?
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >
> >
> >
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