On 04/30/2013 12:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> It strikes me, parsing the gloat- and hate-fest that
> was yesterday's evening's posts, that an accurate
> metaphor to portray what does on here on FFL is a
> European football (soccer or rugby) game.
> Yeah, I know that the rabid fans I'm going to be talk-
> ing about would prefer to think of it as a battlefield,
> with themselves cast as Arjuna, doing dharmic battle
> against the forces of evil. But hey!...get real. This
> is just a silly forum in cyberspace, and they're all
> sitting at home in the dark in front of a glowing
> screen, not actually "doing battle" the way they
> think they are.
> I think of a few of them -- in particular, the Judy
> Clique (Raunchy, Ravi, Ann, Jimbo, Emily, etc.) -- as
> clumps of overemotional sports fans, sitting in the
> stands, their faces painted with all of those ghastly
> MIU publication pastel colors, occasionally cheering
> for "their team," but more often razzing the "other
> team."
> When "their side" starts losing -- as has happened
> a LOT lately, with Judy being bested by (imagine
> this!) Share at her own parsing game, or her and Ravi
> and Jimbo being heartily laughed at by Steve and even
> feste -- they do *exactly* what Euro sports fans do.
> They complete *ignore* that their own team is losing,
> usually on forced or unforced errors, and turn all
> their attention to hurling personal insults at the
> players for the other team. They'll yell insults
> about the goalie's mother, or claim to be actually
> winning, even though the scoreboard clearly says
> otherwise. Meanwhile the other team just laughs,
> and plays even better.
> Whatever floats their boats, I guess. I think it's
> kinda silly to be so attached to one's ego that one
> allows its buttons to be pushed so easily.
> Just think, though...if Euro football stadiums had
> an "invective limit" the way that FFL has a "posting
> limit," these fans would only be able to see one
> game a month. :-)
> Back here on Fairfield Life, those who have shot
> their wad in the first two or three days of the
> posting week will be sitting on the sidelines for
> the rest of it, not even able to yell at the "other
> team." Think how frustrating that will be for them,
> and how much invective they'll have built up by next
> Friday at midnight UTC, when they'll all "hit the
> ground hating" again.
> Meanwhile, the actual game of discussing ideas and
> dealing with the ideas themselves instead of hurling
> insults at those who do goes on without them. As it
> always has. Some people are actually on the playing
> field, and others are where they've always been --
> in the grandstands, yelling.

Since I find sport boring then that's probably why I'm finding FFL 
boring these days.  How's the economy doing in France?

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