On 05/10/2013 06:41 AM, Ann wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 05/09/2013 12:36 PM, John wrote:
>>> How many here agree with this proposal?
>>> http://www.cnbc.com/id/100724186?__source=yahoo%7Cfinance%7Cheadline%7Cheadline%7Cstory&par=yahoo&doc=100724186%7CAttention%20Boomers:%20US%20Nee
>> 1) Work is not the purpose of life.  The wealthy landowners tried to
>> sell that idea to their serfs so they could lounge around while their
>> serfs did all the work for little money.
>> 2) Work is not holy.  That's something the kings wanted to convey so you
>> stayed busy and didn't cook up a coup d'etat against him.
>> 3) Work is a means to an end and not an end in itself.   It's supposed
>> to be a way to exchanges your services for products or someone else's
>> services.
>> 4) There are fewer jobs because less needs to be done.  We've automated
>> a lot of boring jobs that no human should be doing and should automate
>> more.  For instance, except for custom clothing which would be
>> interesting for someone who likes to do that and not repetitive you
>> might as well design clothes that can be made entirely by machine. IOW,
>> do away with those slave labor sweat shops in other countries.
>> 5) People who love what they could might not mind doing that line of
>> work until they drop dead.  Creative people make up a lot of that group
>> but society doesn't seem to like people who enjoy their work. They'd
>> rather hire you for something you hate doing.
>> 6) Scrap the Christian-Judeo work ethic.  It's bullshit anyway according
>> to what I've already stated.
>> 7) In a world of 7 billion people there won't be enough work.  Stop
>> adding to the population.  We don't need more people and need over the
>> coming decades and centuries to reduce the population humanely to around
>> 1 billion.  But try to sell that to the folks who hold the purse
>> strings.  Either they want to reduce the population through genocide or
>> wars.  Most of the rich are mentally ill anyway.  Who needs a billion
>> dollars?
>> 8) Instead begin a leisure society.  Reduced hours more leisure. Enjoy
>> life not work. Stipends for everyone.
> I don't think I agree with any of these points. Not one. I don't think there 
> is an iota of difference between "work" and living your life. There are not 
> two separate compartments here, although lots of people think they are and 
> create that division ("work" and "the rest of my life") which is fairly 
> tragic. These people are usually the ones that hate their jobs, their work. 
> They look forward to any time which isn't time spent on their job. They wish 
> their lives away while at work and are generally miserable either 
> contemplating going to work or while at work.
> I  have been very fortunate in that I have had either the ability or the luck 
> to have worked at jobs that I have loved. The ones I have not loved I have 
> left. I have created jobs for myself, been a business owner and made a job 
> out of what I love to do and I what I like to be around. I realize not 
> everyone has that luxury or that foresight or that vision.  So, work for me 
> is just my life and there is no reason or impetus to stop working other than 
> I would like to do a hell of a lot more travelling.
> And what is "leisure"? That concept doesn't exist for me. Is is doing 
> nothing? Is it only doing what one considers "non-work"? And what does that 
> mean? Is it doing anything that one wouldn't be able to do at "work"? Does 
> "leisure" mean hobbies, sitting, watching TV, staring onto space? Leisure is 
> a state of mind not a state of doing any one thing. Maybe "leisure" means 
> doing the thing you want to do in a particular moment.
> There is lots I can say about every single point stated above but that is a 
> start.

So you disagree with point number 5?   Sounds like you don't.  Or maybe, 
like John, you didn't get that far.  Maybe you had to pee. :-D

"Work" is what NEEDS to be done.  If nothing NEEDS to be done then 
people have free time.  On political forums we discuss all the time 
about jobs and some of us raise the point about worthless "make work" 
jobs.  These are jobs for the sake of having jobs.  We just had congress 
trying to force the military to buy tanks they don't need nor want just 
to keep some jobs in one congressman's district. How far the once great 
US has fallen.

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