--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> If anyone has wondered why I've been fairly silent this
> week, it's because I've been suffering from Eyeroll
> Overload. I mean, we've had people spouting supposedly
> scientific theories to justify their homophobia, and
> other people spouting supposedly scientific research to
> justify their unfounded elitism about TM, and others
> just spouting nonsense about aliens, Buddhism, Hare
> Krishna, and other subjects they know nothing about.
> While I may admire Xeno's tenacity in actually trying
> to engage Nabby over the ludicrousnessitude of Benny
> Creme, I just don't have the energy. I also don't have
> the energy to deal with people spouting stuff they've
> been told about other techniques of meditation *that
> they have never learned, never practiced, and obviously
> know nothing about* simply because MMY or some initiator
> he taught to parrot him or some researcher who *also*
> never learned the techniques told it to them.
> My eyes hurt from all the eyerolling. Let Xeno and
> Michael and Salyavin and whoever else try to deal with
> this stuff if they want. From my point of view, some
> levels of ignorance are just too ingrained and too
> well-established to even bother trying to dispel.

I was traveling yesterday and stopped at a MacDonald's to get some
coffee. Very strong and bitter - Newman's Own Organics so they said. I
did not sleep a wink last night. After getting home, I mostly meditated
(various techniques or just sitting quietly) until dawn. Maybe it was a
caffeine overload. There is a certain joy in taking on nonsense, if it
is not a steady diet. The amount of nonsense in the world is so
staggering though, you have to be very uptight about it to constantly
try to battle with it.

The evening you posted that photo in the garden. I downloaded it and
spent an hour just tinkering with it in a photo editor, just for the
hell of it, lightening shadows, trying to bring out detail in the wine
glass. It was very relaxing activity without any particular point to it,
simply because I liked doing it. What I found interesting in the photo
was when I lightened the wine in the glass enough to see some detail,
the pattern of the wooden slats it was resting on was reflected on the
glass, but it was so dark in the original it did not show. It was so
dark there was no color in the wine except at the very bottom of the
glass. The color here was added for emphasis. Now for the most important
question of all. What was the wine in the glass?

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