Definitely power. Men feel powerless, impotent towards the gentle, earthly 
power of a woman. A woman can sexually satisfy many men at the same time, many 
men have trouble satisfying one woman. I myself struggled with my battles, 
sometimes it seemed easier to just choke a woman, it was extremely hard but I 
had to yield, learn new techniques, be more loving, communicative, patient - 
reign in the natural male instinct to control, to be powerful. I struggled to 
battle my fascination, obsession and possessiveness.

Gandhi took the easier route, suppressed his sexual energy and became a 
renunciate - and he was worshipped as a Mahatma too!!! Buddha too. They are 
always more fascinating to liberals than say Krishna or Shiva.

On Jun 5, 2013, at 2:29 PM, "authfriend" <> wrote:

> --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> > 
> > --- In, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Precisely, he is dead. 
> > > Why limit the indulgence to what Nabby feels is the brutal
> > > right for every man to grab a female and bang her like mash! 
> > 
> > Did I EVER say or suggest that ?
> You did not. I had meant to call Barry on his own error
> (as usual, he had not read the thread he was commenting
> on because he couldn't control his desire for a putdown,
> and got everything wrong, also as usual), but I got
> distracted by something else and forgot.
> You were NOT excusing rape, to the contrary.
> You were NOT talking about wannabe monks.
> You were NOT talking about feeling "powerless in the
> presence of women."
> Barry invented every bit of what he accused you of.
> I happen to disagree with what you *were* saying--I don't
> think it's porn that leads to rape. There's an excellent
> case to be made that rape is about power, not sex. (In
> that sense, Barry commits verbal rape just about every
> day on this forum, often more than once.)
> I would guess that the increasing social empowerment of
> women in India makes some men feel *dis*empowered;
> raping a woman makes them feel more powerful, for the
> moment at least.

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