--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Speculating about interstellar travel, the spectrum of materialization is not 
> limited to, either, physical existence, or, nothing. It is not an either/or 
> universe. Quantum physics has proven this with its odd assortment of 
> particles, some more energy, than mass, and its laws, which defy Newton and 
> Einstein.
> It is not inconceivable that other civilizations have figured out how to 
> transform matter to energy, and back again, at will, accomplishing whatever 
> they need to, in the spectrum between pure potential energy, and full, 
> physical materialization. This neatly solves the problem of travel, though 
> doesn't really prove anything, wrt visits here on Earth.
There are many possibilities for obviously we do not know all there is to be 
found out. We have transformed matter to energy (A-bomb) and converted energy 
to matter (H-bomb), but not irreversibly as to the original structure.

The Star Trek transporter is one idea. It depends on the idea that we are a 
physical matrix of information and that what 'we are' is the organisation of 
that information as matter - the molecular-atomic structure of the body. The 
body is scanned and destroyed and the information sent to a reconstruction 
scanner at some other location which reassembles the structure. Now this is an 
example of physical reincarnation because with a system like this, you die. 
Depending on one's philosophy though, are you reborn at the other end, or is 
someone else created at the other end of the process?

Now if there is something immaterial about human life at the individual level, 
how do you move that about as no physical process would be able to touch it?

If the Star Trek transporter was an actual fact, would you get in it?

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