--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" wrote:
> >
> > Yes your "Lads From the Pub" have had a very busy traveling
schedule. In
> > July Crop Circles have appeared in France and Switzerland. In June
> > in Italy, Ukraine, Russia and UK,
> Nabby, you do realise that people can copy other peoples ideas?
> It's not that unusual for fun pastimes like this to find followers
> abroad. If they were found in a country where there was no contact
> with the outside world, no internet even, then it might be interesting
> to suppose that the Space Brothers were widening their net but these
things started in the UK and have slowly spread. The only mystery
> is why anyone thinks there is a mystery....

Agreed, no mystery at all. Our Space Brothers started doing the Crop
Circles in England to draw the attention to the fact that Maitreya was
living in London. As more and more of the Masters of Wisdom have
reincarnated, They are now 15 in a physical body, it is only natural
that our Space Brothers seek to draw our attention to these events

Mr. Benjamin Crème on the relationship between Crop Circles, the
"UFO's" and Maitreya:

FAQ: crop circles

Q. Is there any relation between Maitreya and the crop circles?

A. The crop circles are created by the phenomenon we call UFOs, and
there is a relation between Maitreya and the UFOs. These UFOs come, in
the main, from the planets Mars and Venus. Our Hierarchy is in contact
with the Hierarchies of Mars and Venus; all the Hierarchies in our
system are in contact with each other. All the planets of our system are
inhabited, without exception, but if you went to Mars or Venus, of
course, you would see no one; they are all in higher etheric matter. If
you have the higher etheric vision you see them as perfectly normal,
slightly different, but not all that different, from ourselves. They are
not little green people with protuberances coming out of their heads!

Q. How do you interpret the phenomenon of the crop circles?

A. My information about the crop circles is that they are created by
what is generally called UFO activity. The UFOs come in the main from
Mars and Venus, not from outside our solar system. All the planets of
this system are populated, though if you went to Mars or Venus you would
see no one at all -- they are all in higher etheric matter. The UFO
phenomenon is distinctly related to the Reappearance of the Christ and
the externalization of the work of the Hierarchy, and we owe them a
great debt. Their surveillance of this planet is total and energetically
of enormous benefit to the world. What the Space People are doing in the
crop circles in particular is recreating to a certain degree the
`grid' of our earth's magnetic field on the physical plane.
Each of these crop circles is a chakra, as it were, a vortex of magnetic
energy, and they are spreading out around the world, having started in
England. They were dismissed in the first place, as always, by the
sceptics. I do not mind if they dismiss them as a mystery which cannot
be solved but to dismiss them as ``created by a freak wind''
-- that is just stupid, and patronizing to human intelligence. Nobody of
average intelligence would believe that is even possible -- you only
have to inspect the circles to realize that. But to make sure that that
thought did not gain credibility, they began to put rectangular bits on
to the circles -- and there is no wind that works in rectangles and
triangles and these complex configurations. They are all
`ideograms', and if you were familiar with the
`ideography' of ancient Atlantis you would recognize some of
them. They are meant not to be recognized as to their meaning but that
they do have a meaning, and many people will `untuit' these.
They are a reminder of the ancient connection with the Space Brothers.

Q. Why are the vast majority of the crop circles found in England?

A. This is an oblique, subtle way of drawing attention to the fact that
Maitreya is in England.

Q. For several years, mysterious circles have been appearing in British
cornfields, among other places. The media have been giving more
attention to this phenomenon lately. Are they caused by Flying Saucers,
as some people think, by Maitreya's Lightship, or is there another
explanation for them? A Harrier jet crashed near one of these circles.
Do they create magnetic fields which could have interfered with the
plane's instruments?

A. These circles, which have been known to `Ufologists' for
several decades, are indeed the result of action by the Space Brothers
and their UFOs. They are created and left deliberately as a sign of
their presence, the extraordinary structure and precision of the circles
being a testimony to their higher science (none of the corn, though
folded into spiral and other formations, is ever destroyed). They do
indeed create a magnetic field around them but this has nothing to do
with the aircraft accident. In fact, it was the body of the pilot of the
jet which was found near one of these circles. The plane itself crashed
later in the Irish Sea.

Q. What is the purpose behind the appearance of corn circles over
southern England (and elsewhere)? If they are made by Space Visitors in
UFOs, is it possible that the activity will be photo-graphed by the team
of observers now active in Britain?

A. Apart from some few isolated hoaxes (very crude attempts to replicate
the mysterious corn or crop circles), these circles are made by UFOs
manned by the Space Brothers. They have several levels of purpose.
Firstly, they are a continuous reminder to us of their presence in our
skies. More importantly, each circle is magnetized and occupies a
specific place in the lines of magnetic force in our Earth's
magnetic field. Each circle is a vortex, drawing energy in and radiating
energy to its surrounding area. Together (they are not haphazardly
placed) they form a `grid' or interrelated energy system of much
benefit to us. Since this grid is formed scientifically, it is most
unlikely that any group of observers, however well-meaning, would hit on
the exact spot on which to observe the creation of any future circles.
The Space Brothers are unlikely simply to `oblige' with a
circle. They do not waste energy.

Q. In the British newspaper Today (9 September 1991), there is an
article carrying the headline ``Men who conned the world,'' in
which two British artists admit ``they pulled off the great
`corn circles hoax' for 13 years.'' These two men claim
that they have performed the hoax by creating the corn circles all over
southern England and demonstrated their ability to do so in a field near
Sevenoaks, in Kent. Could there be any truth in the story?

A. There have certainly been a number of hoaxes perpetrated, but usually
they have been singularly clumsy. These two men appear to have perfected
a method (I believe just recently) whereby they can create a circle
which looks unmade by human hands. However, there is absolutely no way
in which two men could be responsible for the creation of many large,
intricate, complicated designs in different parts of the country which
have appeared simultaneously. Nor does their claim explain the
appearance of large numbers of circles in Germany, Japan, USA, Belgium,
Canada, etc. The men say they have admitted the truth because of the
large amounts of money some people were making out of ``their
circles, presumably referring to the various books which have appeared
recently on the subject. One wonders how much Today and its proprietor,
Rupert Murdoch, have paid the men for their story. Interestingly, they
do not claim the multi-location which would be necessary to create the
widely separated circles. The fact remains that they are created, apart
from the few hoaxes, by the Space Brothers as part of a long-term
energetic service to this world, as time will certainly show.

Q. Do the Space Brothers make crop circles all the year around, perhaps
on bare ground or grass, which would not be visible to us? Or do they
only work in the summer months when the fields are full of crops?

A. All the year round -- and they have been doing so for many years now.

Q. (1) Is this magnetic grid that is being created replacing the ancient
leyline grid? (2) We noticed energies close to Stone-henge. Knowing that
you have said that Stonehenge is now dead, could these energies have
been coming from a pictogram in a field directly south of the monument?

A. (1) No. The lines of the magnetic field slowly change position. (2)

Q. Are the new crop circles created by UFOs actually being used by them
now or will they lie dormant until the entire grid system has been

A. They are not `used' by the Space Brothers, but created for
our present stimulus and future use.

Q. Why are the crop circles made in corn?

A. Because corn is seasonal and lends itself to this kind of activity
without being `indelible'.

Q. Is the corn that is harvested from a crop circle energized and if so
is the food that we get from it energized also?

A. Yes, but that is not the purpose behind the circle.

Q. Curious at reports of crop circles in Wiltshire, England, I travelled
there with a friend to see for myself. Both of us had back pain and we
sat in a formation of eight circles wondering whether we could feel any
energies; nothing. After half an hour we left. I suddenly noticed that
my backpain had vanished. So had my friends'. Are these circles
known to have healing energies?

A.  No. They are not specifically healing energies but could have a
healing effect.

Q. Is it beneficial for people to absorb the energies from the crop

A. Yes, very much so. But care should be taken not to over-stimulate.

Q. Is there a difference in the energy at different places within a crop
circle formation?

A. No.

Q. Why do the energies feel different in different circles?

A. Because they are different. Those created by Venusian ships, for
example, are quite different from those made by Martian ships. To those
sensitive to these energies the differences are obvious.

Q. What is the difference in quality between the Martian and Venusian

A. Very little. Venus is immeasurably more advanced than Mars, but as
far as these circles are concerned, the difference is minimal.

Q. Is there any difference in the effect of the vortex or chakra in the
cornfield if it is created by a Martian or Venusian ship?

A. There is a slight difference in the long-term effect. For all
practical purposes, they are -- to us -- the same.

Q. (1) Do any of the pictograms depict the bodily form of Martians or
Venusians to familiarize us with them in order to reduce our fear? (2)
Would you be permitted to tell us what they look like?

A. (1) No. (2) They look very much like ourselves. Man is universally
present in creation.

Q. (1) Do the Space Brothers travel in their vehicles in large groups or
individually, and (2) how do they share out the task of crop-circle

A. (1) They work in large groups. (2) They can count.

Q.  Why do they produce circles and these geometric patterns?

A. To prove to our stupid `scientists' that the circles are not
made by freak winds.

Q. Does the energy follow the direction the corn is lying in?

A. The corn lies in the direction in which the energy flowed.

Q. A pilot flying over the mountains in Idaho a few months ago spotted a
perfectly shaped giant `Yantra' or Buddhist graphic drawn into
the earth. When it was investigated there were no footprints or signs of
human life anywhere in this remote area. Who could have done this? Is it
related to the crop circles in England?

A. My information is that it was entirely man-made, has no relation to
the crop circles phenomenon and is (literally) a giant hoax.

Q. Does Maitreya say there is really life on other planets and there are
beings who come to the Earth just to protect us?

A. Maitreya has not so far said so directly, but recently he spoke of
other beings in space, far advanced, who have always protected humanity.

All the planets, without exception, are inhabited. In my experience,
UFOs are absolutely real. They cannot usually be seen by us because
their normal state is on the higher etheric, not solid, physical levels.
When we do see them, this is because they lower the vibrational rate of
the vehicles to come within our vision, as a temporary manifestation.
They are there all the time in their thou-sands and even millions. They
help us in many ways and without them this Earth would be a very painful
place indeed. They mop up a great deal of the nuclear radiation which we
release into the atmosphere through nuclear experimentation. Even if a
test is underground, contaminated, poisoned dust flies up into the
atmosphere. The space beings have `implosion' devices which
neutralize this nuclear radiation. Without their assistance our rivers
and streams would be undrinkable; we would, literally, be dying. There
would also be large numbers of deformed babies born. All this is a
result of our misuse of nuclear energy. Without their help we would be
in a very sad state.

Q: How are crop circles actually formed?

A: The occupants of the UFOs visualize the shape they want to create.
With their focused mind they decide the shape in any given circle –
sometimes with extra additions, like `second thoughts'.

They then bring their machines down to near the surface of the field.
Using their technology, operated by their minds, the patterns are
created. It is a combination of advanced technology and thought; the
machinery responds to their thought. The whole process takes place in
seconds, even for the most complex pattern.

Q: According to your information both crop circles and circles of light
are manifested by the Space Brothers, the latter in association with
Maitreya. Does this mean that mankind will finally learn the truth about
its special extended family?

A: Yes, it certainly does. There is a huge conspiracy (there are many
conspiracies, believe me), but there is a huge conspiracy about the
UFOs. The UFOs are known by the major governments in the world to be
real, to exist, to be very advanced spacecraft.

For years now the special agency dealing with UFOs in the US, which is
not the government but a special department, have been developing a
vehicle in a way which is closely aligned to the particular spaceships
that they have seen and worked with and examined.

All the UFOs come from planets in our solar system, and the theory put
about, and the conspiracy to keep that going, is that no planet in our
solar system except Earth has loife on it, which is totally untrue. In
fact the spaceships come from planets which are infinitely more advanced
than Earth. Most of the spaceships that you see are made on the planet
Mars. Even if they are Venusian spaceships or from some other planets,
they are often manufactured on Mars. All the Hierarchies of all the
planets are in constant communication. This is a solar system, every
planet is a part of a system.

Very soon some of this information will become better known, and
Maitreya of course is constantly in touch with the Hierarchy of other
planets and uses them on occasions In Australia, for instance, there is
a drawing which they call Marree Man, which is about three kilometres in
length. It is carved into the land, a desert area north of Adelaide, and
very wide marks on the ground draw out a very elegant figure with one
hand holding a boomerang. The drawing is made by Maitreya and the actual
figure is cut into the earth by the Space Brothers.

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